| r |
DQ | Direct playback reQuest | Direct playback setting contents request | type2 |
IQ | mIdi set up reQuest | MIDI setting contents request | type2 |
LQ | dispLay contrast reQuest | Display contrast setting request | type1 |
MQ | Memory reQuest | Card remaining capacity request | type1 |
NQ | Note map reQuest | MIDI note map setting contents request | type2 |
PQ | Phrase reQuest | Phrase setting contents request | type2 |
SQ | System reQuest | System setting contents request | type2 |
TQ | Time stamp reQuest | Time stamp request | type2 |
UQ | coUnt playback reQuest | Program(Count) playback setting contents request | type2 |
VR | VeRsion | Version request | type1 |
# Reply Commands |
| |
ER | ERror | Reply to the | type2 |
ACK (06H) | Response to normal reception of a command | type0 | |
Xon(11H)/Xoff(13H) | Allow or disable transmission | type0 |
#Commands sent from the AR-3000 to the external device
#Setting Output Commands
| CS | Card Set | Card setting output | type2 |
# | Phrase Settings |
| |
| PU | Pattern phrase set Up | Pattern phrase setting output | type2 |
| SU | phrase Set Up | Phrase setting output | type2 |
# | MIDI Settings |
| |
| MS | Midi Set up | MIDI setting output | type2 |
| NM | Note Map | MIDI note map setting output | type2 |
# | System Settings |
| |
| AC | ACtive | Active sensing reply | type2 |
| CC | Card Condition | Card insertion status output | type2 |
| CE | Count playback sEt up | Program(Count) playback setting output | type2 |
| CR | Card Remain | Card remaining capacity output | type2 |
| DC | Display Contrast | Display contrast setting output | type2 |
| DP | Direct Play | Direct playback setting output | type2 |
| SM | SysteM | System setting output | type2 |
| TI | Time stamp Info. | Time stamp setting output | type2 |
| VR | VeRsion | version output | type2 |
| %% | %? | Card operation progress status output | type2 |
| AE | Auto inc rEc start | Output the total number of phrases | type2 |
| PE | PausE | Output the elapsed time | type2 |
# | Reply Commands |
| |
| ER | Error | Replies when an error has occurred | type2 |
| ACK (06H) | Acknowledge normal status, indicate normal |
| |
| reception of a command | type0 |
| Xon(11H)/Xoff(13H) | Allow or disable transmission | type0 |