Roland RS 232C manual Phrase Settings, Example SUA001,ABCDEFGHIJK,100,10S5,1,5M0S,1,5M10S,120,0

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Phrase Settings

<SU (phrase Set Up for AR-2000) Function: Phrase settings

Syntax: stxSU: **** , “***********” , *** , **S* , * , **M**S , * , **M**S , *** , * ;




d e




I j

aPhrase number

bPhrase name (up to 12 characters)

cPlayback Volume (10 - 100)

dDelay Time (0S0 - 59S9)

eRepeat Playback



fRepeat interval (0M0S - 59M59S)

gControl Output



hOffset time of control output (0M0S - 59M59S)

iTempo (5 - 260)

jReserved (Only '0')

Example) SU:A001,“ABCDEFGHIJK”,100,10S5,1,5M0S,1,5M10S,120,0;

For phrase number “A001”, this sets as follows; Phrase name “ABCDEFGHIJK”, Playback Volume “100%”, Delay Time “10.5 seconds”, Repeat Playback “ON”, Repeat interval “5 minutes”,

Control Output “ON”, Offset time of control output “5min10sec”, and Tempo “120”.

Note: Be sure to specify an already recorded phrase as the phrase number.

>PN (Phrase Name set up for AR-3000) Function: Phrase Name settings Syntaxs stxPN: **** , “***********”;


a Phrase number

b Phrase name (up to 12 characters)

>PR (Phrase Repeat set up for AR-3000) Function: Phrase Repeat settings Syntax: stxPR: **** , *,**,**M**S;

a b c d

aPhrase number




cThe number of repetitons



99 99

d Repeat interval (0M0S - 59M59S)

AR-3000 RS-232C Reference -18

Image 23
Contents AR-3000 RS-232C Reference version RS-232C ReferenceDetails of each Command ContentsSetup Overview of CommandsSetting Commands ACK Appendix Handshaking If You Have Been Using the AR-2000Connector and Cable About the RS-232C InterfaceConnections with the Computer Setup ProcedureComputer Settings AR-3000 SettingsCommunication Protocol Baud Rate SettingsCommand Structure Stx + DM command About Output Parameters Command FormatPrecautions About Input ParametersDetails of each Command Phrases other than audio phrases cannot be specified Control Commands= PAPhrAse = PE PausESyntax stxRL * , **H**M**S**F stxRL * , **H**M**S If Dual Mono Mode is on= PL PLay = RL Relative time pLay= RE REc start Recording CommandsStxAE Example stxAE2001,3,1,8,59,0,0,1,0Example RMA1,3,2,1,0,1,1 = RM Rec ModeSyntax stxRM **** , * , * , * , * , * , * a b c d e f g = CP Card coPy Editing Commands= DM Delete Mode = CD Card Delete Function Delete Card Syntax stxDM= FM ForMat = LS phrase Lock SwitchLW phrase Lock sWitch for AR-3000 = PI Phrase sIlencer = SP Setting coPy Function System copy Syntax stxDM= PC Phrase Copy Function Copy phrase Syntax stxDM = PD Phrase DeleteStxTS StxPV ****,**H**M**S**F*SStxPM TS Time Stretch for AR-3000Syntax3 Mono1 , Mono2 to Stereo stxDM StxRT StxDM StxRTSyntax stxPU **** , * , **** , **S* , .... , **** , **S Setting CommandsPattern Phrase Settings Example stxCV0,ABCDEFGHSong Phrase number Phrase number to be played back Example SUA001,ABCDEFGHIJK,100,10S5,1,5M0S,1,5M10S,120,0 Phrase SettingsSyntax stxPP **** , **H**M**S**F*S, **H**M**S**F*S PO Phrase control Out set up for AR-3000PP phrase Playback Point set up for AR-3000 Syntax stxPO **** , *,**M**SSyntax stxTT MPphrase Midi temPo set up for AR-3000Syntax stxMP Syntax stxMS Midi Settings= MS Midi Set up Function Midi settings Syntax stxNM MM MMc set up for AR-3000MT MTc set up for AR-3000Function MTC settings Syntax stxMT = NM Note Map= DC Display Contrast = BR Baud RateSyntax stxDL DL Direct pLay for AR-3000 Function Direct Playback settingStxDP Example DP0,A1,,A3,A4,,A16SM SysteM for AR-2000Function System settings Syntax stxSM AR-3000 RS-232C Reference StxBO Syntax stxEQGQ sonG phrase reQuest for AR-3000 Request Commands2Q pattern phrase reQuest for AR-2000 3Q pattern phrase reQuest for AR-3000= DQ Direct play reQuest = AQ All reQuest= CQ Card reQuest Syntax stxNQ * a = LQ dispLay contrast reQuest= MQ Memory reQuest = NQ Note map reQuestSyntax stxYQ YQ sYstem reQuest for AR-3000= VR VeRsion = UQ coUnt play reQuestSyntax stxUQ = CS Card Set Reply Commands= ER ERror = Xon 11H/Xoff 13HCard ID Created automatically Reserved SU phrase Set Up for AR-2000 Function Phrase setting output S**F*S, **H**M**S**F*S,*,*, **H**M**S**F**S, **H**M**S**F**S Endless Syntax stxME Master Slave Sync Source Internal Syntax stxCR = CE Count play sEt upSyntax stxAC = CR Card Remain= DP Direct Play SY SYstem for AR-3000 Function System setting output Syntax stxVR = TI Time stamp InfoSyntax stxTI AR-3000 RS-232C Reference Syntax stxER * a = AE Auto inc rEc startSyntax stxAE S**** a = Xon 11H / Xoff 13H # Setting Commands # Card Settings AR-3000 Commands List 1 AR-2000 Compatible Commands List# Control Commands # Playback Commands Editing CommandsReply Commands # Reply Commands# Commands sent from the AR-3000 to the external device # Setting Output Commands# System Settings # Editing Commands # Card Editing# Setting Commands # Phrase Settings # Midi SettingsCharacters That Can Be Used in Phrase Names and Card Names # Setting Output Commands # Phrase SettingsPlaying Back a Phrase Sample AlgorithmsRecording Nomal Recording Recording Time-Stamped Recording What is the Phrase Output Counter? Deleting a Phrase