Problem | Cause | Verification | Solution |
No heat. | Tripped circuit breaker. | Visually check circuit | Determine cause of tripped |
| breaker for a tripped condi- | circuit breaker. Then repair |
| tion. | fault and reset main circuit |
| breaker. |
| Low power. | Measure voltage across cir- | 1. If voltage is lower than |
| cuit breakers. Voltage | expected, use electrical |
| should measure between | schematic to locate |
| 190 and 264 Vac. | faulty wiring or connec- |
| tion. |
| 2. Have a qualified electri- |
| cian service electrical |
| components. |
| Cable unplugged/loose | Check for loose or discon- | Attach plug/wire. |
| wire. | nected wires and plugs. |
| Incorrect temperature set | Verify zone has a correct | Enter Setup and enter cor- |
| point. | temperature setting on the | rect temperature. |
| controller. |
| Contactor not closing. | Turn on heat for zone A1 | 1. Verify that there are no |
| and ensure contactor | other error conditions |
| closes. | that would prevent |
| heater from starting. |
| 2. Replace contactor. |
332511A | 17 |