The K96 provides an easy means of moving the Feed Head in a horizontal direction by simply turning a crank handle. It provides 2” (51mm) of travel and can be mounted directly to the Head Support or to a K29 Vertical Lift Adjuster.
Installation (See Figure C.14)
1. If the Feed Head is already mounted, make sure that the Lock Nut (H) on the Feed Head Draw Bolt
(J) is tight and drive out the Roll Pin (G) with a 5/16” punch.
2. While supporting the head, loosen the Lock Nut
(H) and remove the Feed Head
If a K29 Vertical Head Adjuster is to be used, NOTE: install it now per the instructions provided.
3. With the Draw Bolt (A) in place, fit the K96 Horizontal Adjuster (D) over the shaft of the Head Support (E) or the K29 (Eʼ ) if used.
4. Drive in the 1/4” Roll Pin that comes with the K96.
5. With the Draw Bolt (J) and the Lock Nut (H) in place, raise the Feed Head in to position on the shaft of the Horizontal Adjuster and tighten the Lock Nut.
6. Drive the 5/16” Roll Pin (G) back in to itʼs original position.
7. Mount the Crank Handle on whichever side is most convenient by removing the two bolts and rotating the housing 180° and replacing the bolts. See Figure C.15.
Place Handle in
Either of Two
Remove Two Bolts
and Rotate Housing