| ACCESSORIES | |||||||
| |
| AWG 1/0 |
| Includes: 1/0 Coaxial weld |
| ||
| cable of length "xx". Ends of |
| the weld cable have lug con- |
| nections. Use for Pulse weld- |
| ing. |
| |
| AWG #1 Coaxial Power Cable |
| Includes: AWG #1 Coaxial |
| ||
| weld cable of length "xx". |
| Ends of the weld cable have |
| lug connections. Use for |
| Pulse or STT™ welding. |
| Work and Feeder Cables Package |
| Includes: |
| ||
| 2/0 cable 14' (1.2m) long with |
| Ground Clamp, and Twist- |
| Mate to Lug 2/0 Cable 9' |
| (2.7m) long. |
| |
| Weld Power Cable, |
| Includes: |
| ||
| Lug |
| 1/0 cable of length "xx". |
| IIncludes: Lug to Lug, 3/0 |
| Cable of length "xx" for lengths |
| |
| Weld Power Cable, Lug to Lug |
| up to 60' (18.3m). Lug to Lug, |
| ||
| 4/0 Cable of length "xx" for |
| lengths greater than 60' |
| (18.3m). |
| |||
| |||
| Includes: 14 pin to 14 pin wire |
| |
| Control Cable |
| feeder to power source control |
| |||
| cable. |
| |
| Includes: 14 pin circular con- |
| |
| ||
| nector with jumper for leads 2- |
| |
| K484 |
| Jumper Plug Kit |
| 4. For use in power sources |
| ||
| for turning the weld terminals |
| |
| "ON" at all times. |
| |
| |
| K1798 |
| Adapter Cable for Control Cable to |
| Includes: 14 circular connector |
| ||
| (requires |
| ||||
| remote control |
| Terminal Strip Power Sources |
| with leads to connect to a ter- |
| ||
| kit |
| minal strip. |
| |