Grizzly G9972Z owner manual Power Feed, V\ZYDc 9hZc\V\ZYD

Page 33

4. 8dc[^\jgZi]ZK"WZaidci]ZejaaZnhVXXdgY^c\ id i]Z aZiiZg VcY cjbWZg XdbW^cVi^dc jcYZg i]ZhZaZXiZYhe^cYaZheZZY[gdbi]ZX]Vgi^c Figure 36#

 Edh^i^dc i]Z ^YaZg ejaaZn dc ide d[ i]Z K"WZai l^i] Zcdj\] YdlclVgY egZhhjgZ id egdk^YZ iZch^dc id i]Z WZai! i]Zc [jaan hZXjgZ ^i ^c eaVXZ# I]ZgZ ^h XdggZXi iZch^dc id i]Z K"WZai l]Zc i]ZgZ ^h Veegdm^bViZan &¿' YZ[aZXi^dc l]Zc bdYZgViZ egZhhjgZ ^h Veea^ZY id i]Z K"WZai]Va["lVnWZilZZci]ZejaaZnh#

Note: The pulley slots are numbered 1–3 with number 1 being the outside slot.

;dg6¶8Xdc[^\jgVi^dchhZZFigure 37! edh^i^dci]Zadc\ZgK"WZai('^cX^gXjb[Zg" ZcXZ^ci]ZXdggZXi8ejaaZnhadi!i]Zcgdaa ^idcidi]Z6ejaaZn#

;dg7¶8Xdc[^\jgVi^dchhZZFigure 38! eaVXZ i]Z h]dgiZg K"WZai'. ^c X^gXjb[Zg" ZcXZ^ci]ZXdggZXi8ejaaZnhadi!i]Zcgdaa ^idcidi]Z7ejaaZn#

Power Feed

EdlZg;ZZYdcVaVi]Zh^beanbZVchjh^c\i]Z bVX]^cZ"Yg^kZcXdbedcZcihid[ZZYi]Zidda^cid i]Zldg`e^ZXZgVi]Zgi]Vc[ZZY^c\^ibVcjVaanl^i] ]VcYl]ZZah#

I]ZheZZYVil]^X]i]ZXVgg^V\ZigVkZah^hhZil^i] i]Z [ZZY gViZ Y^Vah hZZ Feed Rate dc Page 32 [dg YZiV^aZY ^chigjXi^dch! Wji ^i Vahd YZeZcYh dc he^cYaZheZZY#


Feed rate is based on the spindle speed. High feed rates result in a rapidly moving carriage. Pay close attention to the feed rate you have chosen and keep your hand poised over the power feed lever. Failure to fully understand this could cause the car- riage to crash into the spindle or tailstock resulting in severe damage to the lathe.


L]Zci]ZegdeZg[ZZYgViZ]VhWZZchZaZXiZY[dg i]ZdeZgVi^dc! h^bean bdkZ i]ZedlZg [ZZY aZkZg je id Zc\V\Z i]Z XVgg^V\Z l^i] i]Z edlZg [ZZY hZZ Figure 39# BdkZ i]Z aZkZg Ydlc id Y^hZc" \V\Zi]ZedlZg[ZZY#

L]Zc i]Z he^cYaZ ^h gdiVi^c\ XdjciZgXadX`l^hZ idlVgYh i]Z deZgVidg! i]Z XVgg^V\Z l^aa bdkZ idlVgYi]Zhe^cYaZl]ZcZc\V\ZYl^i]i]ZedlZg [ZZY# 8dckZghZan! l]Zc i]Z he^cYaZ ^h gdiVi^c\ XadX`l^hZVlVn [gdb i]Z deZgVidg! i]Z XVgg^V\Z l^aabdkZidlVgYi]ZiV^ahidX`#

Note: If the spindle is not turning, you may have to manually jog the carriage to engage the apron gearing with the leadscrew.



Figure 39.EdlZg[ZZYaZkZgZc\V\ZYVcY



NEVER attempt to engage the carriage power feed (lever up) and the half-nut (lever down) at the same time. Always disengage the half-nut (lever up) before moving the power feed lever up. Otherwise, severe damage to the lathe could occur.


Image 33
Contents Model G9972Z Ss ,EAD from Leadbased PAINTS Table of Contents Foreword Functional Overview IntroductionContact Info &&m+AViZl$ZVgWdmBdYZa..,OYZciXVidc# IdentificationMachine Data Sheet Tailstock Info BVXcZgn cdhZ XVc XVjhZ eZgbVcZci ZVgc\adhh#  !,7!93 53%3 %!2.2 02/4%#4/ %. /0%2!4.! -!#.%29 !,7!93 ,/#+ -/,% !3%33 & 53%$ % %&/2% /0%2!4. -!#.%29#  53%3!!2/5.$%$ %84%.3/..#/2$ 2!4%$4&/2/4%-!#.%!-0%2!%2Eliminating a Projectile Hazard Additional Safety Instructions for Lathes110V Operation Circuit RequirementsSetup Safety Items Needed for SetupUnpacking Description QtyInventory Clean Up Inventory Figure Qty8Vc\ZZVgh-!*!+!+.!,%!,,!,-I Placement Location Moving & PlacementSite Considerations Floor Load7dai AViLVhZg MountingAViLVhZg AdX`LVhZg =ZmCji AV\HXgZl AViLVhZgTest Run Check Gearbox OilTo test run the machine EdlZgZZY AZkZg9dlc =dgodciVaFactory adjustments that should be verified Recommended AdjustmentsCarriage Lock Spindle Break-InOperations Operation SafetyBasic Controls HeadstockTailstock CarriageWay Tool Post Lock Lever HZXjgZh iZ Compound Slide Handwheel BdkZh iZChuck & Faceplate Mounting/Removal Mounting a Chuck or FaceplateTools NeededQty HecYaZ Removing a Chuck or FaceplateMounting Workpiece in 3-Jaw Chuck Jaw ChuckRemoving Jaws from 3-Jaw Chuck 8aVbec\dcVcDjihYZ9VbZiZg 8aVbec\cVcchYZ9VbZiZgTo mount a workpiece in the 4-jaw chuck Installing Jaws into 3-Jaw ChuckTo mount a workpiece to the faceplate FaceplateUsing a Center in the Spindle Using a Center in the TailstockCenters Aligning Tailstock Offsetting TailstockDhZiHXVaZ To align the tailstockDciZiVahidX`WVggZa# IZZcigZaZc\idiZldg`eZXZ#Ldg`eZXZ# iZbVXcZYldg`eZXZhthickerViiZTo install and use the steady rest Drilling with TailstockSteady Rest Handwheel Dial Increments Resolution Follow RestCross Slide Compound Slide Tool Post To set the compound slide angleTo load and use the tool post Calculating the Correct Spindle RPM Spindle SpeedConfiguring the V-Belt To configure the V-beltYaZgEjaaZn K7Zai \V\ZYDc 9hZc\V\ZYD Power Feed8Vc\Z ZVgb Feed Rate#%%.% #%%%Setting the Feed Rate Dials Configuring Change GearsChange Gear a Change Gear bLdg`eZXZ!gZYjXc\iZYVbZiZg# Example of Setting Feed Rate#%&*¶%#%*EG# XVhZ!ilaaWZ%#%&*%EG#Thread Dial & Chart Power Feed LeverThreading Controls Half-Nut LeverIgZVYYVaXVgi# $ && &$H2670-HSS Square Tool Bits AccessoriesG1070-MT3 Live Center Set H7540-Metalworking Kit NoG1075-52-PC. Clamping Kit, 1⁄2 T-Nut ¿-iddaWih# H2996-Double Ended Boring BarH5936-2 Pc. Knurling Tool Set H2987-½ Bent Lathe DogCleaning Protecting MaintenanceSchedule Daily CheckLubrication Ball OilersLubricant Frequency Qty Feed Rate Gearbox Oil Reservoir To check and add oil to the reservoirTo change the oil in the reservoir Compound Slide Longitudinal Leadscrew & Carriage RackBedways Feed Lever PlungerChange Gears 8ZX`$6YY Ic8dVi KZgn- =djgh DeZgVidcTroubleshooting ServiceMotor & Electrical Hnbeidb EdhhWaZ8VjhZ EdhhWaZHdajidcPage 30# Pages 29-32# OperationsCross Slide Backlash Adjustment To adjust the cross slide backlashGZchiVaaiZXdbedjcYhaYZ# &&m+AViZl$ZVgWdm To adjust the cross slide and compound slide gibs Gib AdjustmentsShear Pin Replacement Half-Nut AdjustmentTo adjust the half-nut 8dccZXic\ 8daaVg HZVgEcTo adjust the spindle bearing preload Ribbed Belt ReplacementBearing Preload To replace the ribbed beltEgdYjXc\YZiZXiVWaZhecYaZZcY EaVn# CcZg HeVccZg Cji&$-  HZiiZhecYaZheZZYidVbZYjbhZiic\# AZiiZaViZgjcdg%bcjiZh# Electrical Safety Instructions WiringWiring Diagram &&m+AViZl$ZVgWdm BdidgDC$DHliX Headstock Breakdown PartsDescription Headstock Parts ListChange Gears Breakdown Feed Rate Gearbox Breakdown Feed Rate Gearbox Parts List Apron Breakdown FrontRear Apron Parts List Description Saddle & Cross Slide BreakdownCompound Slide & Tool Post Breakdown Tailstock Breakdown Bed Breakdown Follow Rest Breakdown Steady Rest BreakdownElectrical Components Breakdown Accessories Breakdown Label Placement TTTT 8VgY9ZX`  Tttt LZWhiZ TTTT DiZg =dlYYndjaZVgcVWdjijh4 TTTT 6YkZgihZbZci  Tttt gZcY8VWcZiBV`Zg IdYVn»h=dbZdlcZg$5342!, .# 0/ /8  %,,.!- 7!  EaVXZ HiVbe =ZgZ22!.49 !.$ 2%452.3 #ALL 4ODAYD&ORO! &2%%
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