RZ 2610917368
Step 2
Slide switch to turn the tool on. While holding the Spiral Saw power tool firmly with both hands plunge the Zip Bit through the mark you made. Then guide the Zip Bit to the right until you feel and hear the Zip Bit touch the inside edge of the box.
Step 4
While keeping the Zip Bit in contact with the outside of the box move the tool counter clockwise while applying light inward and upward pressure until you feel and hear it come to the corner. As you round the corner apply light pressure left and downward.
Step 3
Pull the Zip Bit out far enough to slip it over the edge of the box so it is now against the outside of the box.
Step 5
While moving slowly and continuously along the top contour you will feel the Zip Bit come to the next corner. Round the corner and apply light down and inward pressure until the bottom corner is reached.