Craftsman 315.220381 owner manual Aligning the ARM for Cross Cuts, See Figures 29,4 2gC

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See Figures 29,4 - 2gC,

This procedure checks whether the arm is exscfiy O" for cross cut travel by checking the blade against the table and the miter indicator. Remove the rear table, spacer table, and fence, but leave the front ta_e in place. You will need a framing square, a 3/16 in. hex key, and a pencil,

_k WARNING: Be sure the saw is unplugged before performingthese adjustments. Accidental

start-up could result in serious personal injury.

First check the framing square by fitting one side against the back edge of the table. Lightlydraw a line on the table along the edge of the square in the middle of the table. Flip the square over. If the edge still matches the line with no gaps or over- tape, the square is true.


Fig. 29A

Release the arm lock knob. Positionthe arm straight forward (0") and leave it unlocked.

Lowerthearm withtheelevatinghandwheeluntil

the saw blade just clears the fronttable. Lock the yoke lock handle (right side of saw, below yoke) and the bevel lock Lever.

Place the framing square on the table and position one edge of the square firmly against the back edge of the table, Positionthe other leg of the square against the blade until it rests beside but not

touching a tooth. With a pencil, mark beside this tooth.

Slowlymove the yoke assembly forward and backward along the arm and against the square

without rotatingthe blade. If the mark moves into or away from the square, adjust the arm with the followingsteps.

At the back of the column, loosen the three set- screws w_tha 3/16 in. hex key and positionthe arm as needed to align with the framing square.

Lock the arm lock knob and retightenthe three setscrews. Recheck the cross cut travel with the

blade against the framing square.

Set the miter indicator on top of the column to O"

Replace the fence, spacer table, rear table, and table clamps.














Fig. 29B


Image 37
Contents Ofess Ional Radial ARM SAWFull ONE Year Warranty on Craftsman Radial ARM SAW 28-29 Meaning Safety Alert Symbol SymbolAvoid Awkward Operations and Hand Be Sure the Blade Clears the Work RIP only Workpieces Longer than Grounding PIN Coverofgrounded Outletbox GroundinginstructionsSee Figures Changing VoltageBladearbor Gum BladeBevelAngleRAFTSNANRADIALSAW315,220381 Sawassemblyshownaspacked Cdef IIoII000 Level Io@CRE.ANTPARTS Inch Radii Arm SawAdvertencia See a KnowyourradialsawYoke See Figures 9A-9D FeatureslistMiterscale Armlockknob Yokepivotlatch RIP 19IIRFTSMRNRADIALSAW315.220381Figures 9A and 9B Dustguide Holddown MOTOR13/6.5AMP- Powersthebladeand isTighten. See Figure I OA Assembly and Adjustments sections beforeSee Figure I OA See Figure lOBSee Figure Mounting SAW to LEG Stand Attaching Elevating HandwheelSAW Base LEG Sawbase Hexbolt Flat Washer Lockwasher Elevating Shaft Handwheel Screw StarwasherArmviewedfrombelow Installing the Yoke AssemblyArmlockknob ARM Capscrews Carriagearm LockknobRemoving the Blade Blade Arbor Mounttablesupports UsingtheseholelocationsAttaching Table Supports Armcap Motor Yokelock Handle Assembly Setting the ARM Lock KnobSee Figures 17,4and 17B Yokelock HandleStarwasher Bevel Setting the Bevel Lock LeverBevellockleverin Bevel BevelTightening the ARM and Column Rear Coverscrews HEXBOLT2 HEXNUT2 Adjusting the Column TubeSee Figures 20A 20D Column ARM Tube SupportRotation Adjustment Elevation AdjustmentColumntube Silverblack Screws ColumnsupportCarriagebearing Adjusting the Carriage BearingsEccentricscrew Wrench Graspandhold Carriagebearing See Figures 22A and 22B Leveling Table SupportsBlade Wrenchat Front Armlockknob Rightside TablesupportSee Figures 23A 23C Installing the Front Table23A HexnutSee Figures 25A 25C Leveling the Front TableReartablefence Spacertablefronttable Hole Clamp Bracket SquarenutBlade Rotation Hten WRENCH2 See Figures 27A 27C Carriage Speednut Installing RIP Scale IndicatorsSpring Carriage Screws Lockknob See Figures 29,4 2gC Aligning the ARM for Cross CutsSee Figures 30A 30D Aligning Blade to Table AT 0 BevelIndexcap Bevel Lock Lever Fronttable Socket Elevating Headscrews HandwheelSee Figures 31A 31C Squaring Blade to FenceHexbolts Framingsquare YokelockhandleAdjustment GAP Noadjustment Needed BevelParalleling Blade to Table See Figures 32A-32CIN-RIPSCALEONRIGHTSIDEOFARM RIP-SCALEINDICATOR Aligning the RIP Scale IndicatorsSee Figures 33A 33B Barrel Carriage Assembly SOCKETF.34 Installing Control CUT DeviceTypes of Cuts Basic Operation of the Radial ARM SAWCross Cuts RIP CutsInsertswitchkey Switchon Switchoff Causes of Kickback Switch and Switch KEYAvoiding Kickback Pushblocks PushsticksFeatnerboards Pushsticks Pushblocks FeatherboardCarnage Lockknob Tableclamps Making a Cross CUTMaking a Miter CUT Making a Bevel CUT Beveledand Elevating Handwheel Making a Compound Cross CUTYoke Armpivotlatch Swwchyokelock Handle Setting UP a RIP CUT RIP CUT Hazards and PrecautionsElevating Handwheel Infeedfor Ripcutting Making a RIP CUT See Figure Review the Hazards and PrecautionsSee Figures 48 Making Other CutsCutting Long Workpieces SupportlongworkpiecesCuts NON-THROUGHMOTOR/ELECTRICAL General MaintenanceSolution Problem CauseProblem Remove handwheel clean and lubricate the shaft Tube in Assembly section See Adjusting the ColumnAdjustmentssection See Squaring the Blade toFence in Adjustmentssection Cause SolutionAssembly section Seefigure KEY Part Number Craftsmanradial ARM SAW- ModelnoDescription Quan KEY PartFigureb KEY Part NO.NUMBER Craftsman Radial ARM SAW Model no63CRRFTSMRNRADIALSAW315.220381 Figurec Descripon Quan Parts List for Figure CFigured 67CRRFTSNHNRADIALSAW315220381 Parts List for Figure DFiguree Parts List for Figure E See Figure G Figuref71CRAFTSMANRADIALSAW315.220381 976287-001CRAFTSMANTABLESAW315,22038172 See Figure F Seefigureh73CRRPTSNRNRADIALSAW315.220381 Parts List for Figure GFigureh Descripon Ouan Parts List for Figure HFigurei Craftsmanradial ARM SAW Modelno Parts ListFigurej Craftsmanradial ARM SAW- Modelno ,220381 Parts List for Figure JFigurek Parts List for Figure K Parts Direct s