A. Pressure Switch: - The pressure switchis |
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the activation mechanism that is used to |
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start and stop the compressor. When the |
| |
switch is “On”, the motorand pump will | D | E | |
compress air until tank pressure reachesthe | |||
| |||
upper limitof the factory set operating |
| |
pressure. When tank pressurefalls below |
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the factory set “cut in” pressure,the |
| |
compressor will again automaticallystart to |
| |
compress air. |
| C | |
| B | ||
B. Tank Pressure Gauge: The tank pressure | A |
| |
| ||
gauge indicates the air pressurethat is |
| |
present in the tank in PSI (lbs/sq. in.). |
C. Regulated Pressure Gauge: The regulated pressure gaugeindicatesthe amount of pressure that is allowedinto the discharge line accordingto the settingof the regulator.
D. Regulator Knob: The regulatorknob is used to adjustthe air pressure that is availableat the discharge line. The dischargeair pressure is increasedby turningthe knob clockwise and decreased by turning the knob counterclockwise.
E. Drain Valve: Ball style valvethat drainsmoisturefrom the tank when opened.