Black & Decker BDPG700 Save Allwarningsandinstructionsforfuturereference, 1WORKAREASAFETY

Page 2


ItSAFETYis importantGUIDELINESfor you to readandunderstand- DEFINITIONSthis manual. Theinformation it containsrelates to protectingYOUR SAFETYandPREVENTINGPROBLEMS. The symbols below areusedto help you recognize this information.

Indicates an imminently hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will resultDANGER:in death or serious injury.

Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could resultWARNING:in death or serious injury.

Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may resultCAUTION:in minor or moderate injury.

Used without the safety alert symbol indicates potentially hazardous situation which,NOTICE:if not avoided, may result in property damage.

WARNING: Read all safetywarningsand all instructions.Failure to follow the warnings and instructionsmay resultin electricshock, fire and/or serious injury.


The term “powertool” in the warnings refers to your mains-operated (corded) power tool or battery-operated (cordless) power tool.



Keep workarea cleanand welllit Cluttered or dark areas invite accidents. Donotoperatepowertoolsinexplosiveatmospheres,such asinthepresenceofflammable.

liquids,gasesordust.Power tools createsparkswhichmayignitethe dustorfumes

Keep childrenandbystanders awaywhileoperatinga powertool. Distractions can cause you to lose control.


Power toolplugs mustmatchtheoutlet. Never modifytheplug in any way.Donotuse anyadapter plugswithearthed (grounded)power tools.Unmodified plugs and matching b)outlets willreduceriskof electricshock.

Avoidbody contactwithearthedorgroundedsurfaces suchas pipes,radiators,ranges c)andrefrigerators. Thereis an increasedriskof electric shockif. your body is earthedor grounded.

Donotexposepowertoolsto rainorwet conditions Waterentering a powertoolwill d)increase therisk of electricshock.

Donotabusethecord.Neverusethecordforcarrying,pullingor unpluggingthepower tool.Keepcord awayfrom heat,oil,sharp edgesormovingparts. Damaged or entangled e)cords increasetherisk of electricshock.

Whenoperatinga power tooloutdoors, use an extensioncord suitablefor outdooruse. f)Use ofa cordsuitable foroutdoor usereducestheriskofelectricshock.

Ifoperatinga powertoolina damp locationisunavoidable, use a ground faultcircuit interrupter(GFCI)protectedsupply.Use of a GFCIreduces therisk of electric shock.


Stayalert, watchwhatyouaredoinganduse commonsense whenoperatinga power tool.Donotusea powertoolwhileyouare tiredorunderthe influenceof drugs,alcoholor b)medication.A momentofinatentionwhileoperatingpowertoolsmayresultinserious personalinjury. Use personalprotectiveequipment.Always wear eyeprotection. Protectiveequipment

such as dust mask,nonskidsafetyinjuriesshoes,hard. hat, or hearing protection used for appropriate c)onditions will reducepersonal

Preventunintentionalstarting.Ensure theswitchisintheoff positionbeforeconnecting topower sourceand/ orbatterypack,pickinguporcarrying the tool.Carrying power tools d)with your finger on theswitchor energizingpower toolsthat havethe switch on.invitesaccidents.

Removeanyadjustingkeyor wrenchbeforeturning thepowertool on A wrenchora key e)l ftattachedtoa rotatingpart ofthepowertool mayresultinpersonalinjury.

Donotoverreach. Keepproperfootingandbalance at alltimes. This enables better

control of the power tool in unexpected situations2 .

Image 2 Contents
Instructionmanual Save Allwarningsandinstructionsforfuturereference 1WORKAREASAFETYAPERSONALSAFETY Additional Safety Instructions ASERVICEPage Filters often. Disposable paper masks are not adequate Switch Figure B VoltsHints about Paint Stripping Temperature Adjustment KnobMoving Paint Figure D ForPAINTeasierSCRAPERpaint removal from hard surfaces Troubleshooting Problem Possible Cause Possible SolutionSee ‘Tools For ServiceElectric’ Manuel D’INSTRUCTIONS Avertissementsdesécuritégénérauxpourlesoutils électriques Consignes supplémentaires de sécurité Ne pas utiliser cet outil comme séchoir à cheveux Conserver CES Consignes Pour Usage Ultérieur Toujours Porter UN Équipement DE Protection Homologué TensionBouton DE Réglage DE LA Description FonctionnelleCOMMUTATEUR- Figure B Température Figure CAutres Utilisations Décapage DE LA PeintureConseils SUR LE Décapagede LA Peinture Problèm Cause poss bl Solution possible DépannagePage Page Manual DE Instrucciones Advertenciasgeneralesde seguridad paraherramientaseléctricas Instrucciones de seguridad adicionales Page Page Trabajo USO DE Cables DE ExtensiónPerilla DE Ajuste DE Descripción DE LAS FuncionesConmutador Figura B Otros Usos Cómo Quitarla Pintura Figura DSugerencias Paraquitarla Pintura Detección DE Problemas Problema Causa po ible Solución posiblePage VERACRUZ, VER CULIACAN, SIN MONTERREY, N.L TORREON, CoahGUADALAJARA, JAL PUEBLA, PUE
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