Section 5 – Starting a Game
Playing a Beach Head Game
Beach Head 2002, and Beach Head 2003: Desert War, both use the screen layout described below. Beach Head 2000 uses a different layout for the Information Bars.
The goal of the game is to defend your post and destroy as much of the enemy as possible. The Information Bars on the screen, described in the table below, provide useful information about the game.
Ref. | Information Bar Description |
AThis Information bar tells you how much of your shield you have left.
BThis Information bar tells you what level you have achieved in the game.
CThe Blue Information Bar tells you how many Enemy Aircraft remain for this level. The Red Information Bar tells you how many Enemy Land Vehicles or Soldiers remain.
DThe Blue and Red Arrows tell you the direction the Enemy is coming from. When the enemy comes into view on your monitor, the arrows disappear.
EThis shows your total score for the game. The more Enemies you strike down, the more points you earn.
Cannon Button: Fires the
Missiles Button: Fires
Trigger Buttons: These buttons, on the joystick, fire the Machine
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