Senco PC1108 operating instructions Explosion or Fire, Bursting

Page 5













Serious injury or death may occur

Always operate air compressor in



from normal electrical sparks in

a well ventilated area free of



motor and pressure switch.

flammable vapors,combustible






dust,gases or other combustible





If spraying flammable material, locate the air compressor at least 20 feet away from the spray area. (An additional hose may be required.)

Serious injury may occur if any air

Never place objects against or on

compressor ventilation openings are

restricted,causing the air compressor

top of air compressor.Operate

to overheat and start on fire.

air compressor at least 12 inches


away from any wall or obstruction


that would restrict proper




Serious injury or death may occur

Drain air tank daily or after each


from an air tank explosion if air tanks

use to prevent moisture buildup in


are not properly maintained.

the air tank.



If air tank develops a leak,replace



the air tank immediately.Never



repair,weld or make modifications



to the air tank or its attachments.



Use only genuine Senco ® repair



parts for your air compressor.



Never make adjustments to the


Serious injury may occur from

factory set pressures.


an air compressor malfunction or

Never exceed manufacturers


exploding accessories if incorrect


system components,attachments

maximum allowable pressure


or accessories are used.

rating of attachments.



Because of extreme heat,do



not use plastic pipe or lead tin



soldered joints for a discharge






Never use air compressor to



inflate small,low pressure objects



such as toys.




Image 5
Contents Operating Instructions Table of Contents Inspection Safety AlertIntroduction Hazard Potential Consequence Prevention Risk Safety WarningsElectric Shock ElectrocutionBursting Explosion or FireBreathing Hazard Potential Consequence Prevention Risk toBurns FlyingMoving Parts Hazard Potential Consequence Prevention Risk fromNegligence AIR Compressor DamageCompressor Features Wheel Initial SET-UP PreparationLocation ElectricalOperation MaintenanceProbable Cause TroubleshootingRemedy Probable Cause RemedySymptom 5. Air leaks from safety relief valve Symptom 10. Air compressor not making enough air Senco PC SpecificationsSenco Compressor and Parts Warranty Compresseurdaire eléctrique PC1108 Caractéristiques DU Compresseur Table DES MatièresMises EN Garde DE Sécurité Alertes Pour LA Sécurité Commotion Électrique OU D’ÉLECTROCUTION Mises EN Garde DE SécuritéConséquences Potentielles Prévention Risque D’EXPLOSION Compresseur D’AIROU D’INCENDIE Risque’INHALATION Conséquences Potentielles Prévention RisqueRisque DE Brûlure ’OBJETSConservez CES Instructions Caractéristiques DU Compresseur Caractéristiques DU Compresseur Préparation EmplacementMise EN Œuvre Initiale AvertissementListe DE Vérifications Préliminaires FonctionnementDémarrage CoupureCause Probable DépannageRemède Cause Probable RemèdeSymptôme 5 L’air fuit au niveau de la soupape de sûreté Symptôme 11 Humidité dans l’air en sortie Spécifications Garantie Senco Pour LE Compresseur ET LES Pièces Instruccione de Operación Indice Inspección Introducción¡AVISO DE Seguridad Riesgo Consecuencia Potencial Prevención Riesgo DE Medidas DE SeguridadElectrochoque ElectrocuciónEstallido IncendioVias Respiratorias Riesgo Potential Consequence Prevención Riesgo Para LASQuemaduras Riesgo DE SER¡GUARDE Estas Instrucciones Características DEL Compresor Características DEL Compresor Montaje Inicial PreparaciónEmplazamiento AdvertenciaCuadro DE Mantenimiento FuncionamientoLista DE Comprobación Antes DE LA Puesta EN Marcha Causa Probable Localización Y Solución DE AveríasSolución Causa Probable SoluciónSíntoma 5. Escape de aire por la válvula de seguridad Síntoma 10. El compresor no produce suficiente aire Motor EspecificacionesGarantia Senco Para EL Compresor Y LAS Piezas