Cleaning Other Parts of Your Range
Control Dial Area
Use mild cleansers,such as soapy water, glasscleaners or mild liquid sprays,such as 409. Wipe with sponge, damp cloth or paper towel. Do not scrub with S.O.S. pads or abrasive cleansers.
Clock Control Surface
Wipe with paper towels dampened with soapywater or glasscleaner. Do not scrub with S.O.S.pads or abrasive cleansers.
Glass on the Oven Door Front
Use any suitableglasscleaner or soapywater.
Oven Door Trim
Slightly dampen a cloth or paper towel with a nonabrasive cleanser, such as Bon Ami, soapy water or glasscleaner. Do not use excessiveamountsof water or allow water to run down through the air vents in the door since this will cause streaks which will be visible through the glassdoor.
Stainless Steel Areas
The top of the range (the trim area around the grill basin areas) is made of stainless steel.
•To clean light soil, wipe with soapy cloth or nonabrasive cleanser, such as Soft Scrub. Rinse, buff with soft cloth; polish with glasscleaner if necessary.
•To clean moderate soil or discoloration of the surface (excessiveheat will cause a golden discoloration), clean with Zud, Sar Keepers Friend, or Luneta (Jenn- Air Model A912, Part No. 712191).With a sponge or cloth, rub cleanser with the grain to avoidstreakingthe surface. Rinsewelt,buff dry;polishwith a glasscleaner if necessaryto removecleanserresidueand smudgemarks.
•Heavy soil, such as burned on food soil, can be removed by first cleaning as per the instructionsfor moderate soil. Stubborn stains can be removed with a damp
•Stubbornfood stainsmay alsobe removedbysprayingwith
Readthe manufacturer'sprecautionson using oven cleaners.The caustic materials in these products will discolor materials such as aluminum, brushed or chrome plate. Hint:
•Hint: for ease in cleaning the stainless steel cooktop cartridge when it is moderately or heavily soiled, remove cartridge from range top and work near the sink area. Do not immerse the cartridge or heating elements in water. Be very careful not to get cleanser or water into the wiring in the receptacle area.