General Roasting Reco_,,mendatlons
sPreheating is not necessary.
•For open pan roasting,place meat or poultryon the slotted portion of the
•For best results,a meat thermometeris the most accurate guide to degree of doneness.The tip of the thermometershould be located in the thickest part of a roast,not touchingfat, bone,or gristle.Forturkeysand largepoultry products,insertthe tip of the thermometerinto the thickest part of the inner thigh.
•Place roast fat side up to allowself bastingof meat during roasting.
•Since meats continue to cook after being removedfrom the oven, remove roast from oven when it reaches an internaltemperature about 5 degrees belowthe temperaturedesired.
•For lessloss of juicesand easier carving, allow about 15 minutes"standing time" after removingmeatfrom oven.
aFor best resultsin roastingpoultry, thaw completely. Due to the etructure of poultry, partially thawedpoultry will cook unevenly,
Radiant Bake Roas¢tng Reeommendattons
•If preferred, tender cuts of meat can be roasted in the radiant bake oven by followingthe general recommendationsgivenabove.However,meatswill roastmore quickly in the convectionoven.
•Radiant bake is bestfor lesstendercuts of meat that requirea longer, moist
heat methodof cooking. Followyour recipe for times and temperaturesfor coveredmeats.
•Meats cooked in cooking bags, dutch ovens,or covered roastingpans are bestcookedin the radiant bakeoven.
•Use meat roastingcharts in standard cookbooks for recommended times and temperaturesfor roastingin • radiant bakeoven.