Oven Cleaning
How the Self-Cleaning Process Work
When the oven controls are set to CLEAN, the oven heats to temperaturesthat are higher than those used for cooking. The high temperaturescause food soil to burn off and substantiallydisappear. While this occurs, a device in the oven vent helpsto consumenormal amounts of smoke. The oven is vented through an opening underthe air grilleon the top of the range.
How to pare Oven Before Operating Jhe Self Cleaning Process
•Removethe roastingpan and any otherutensilsfrom the oven.These utensils cannotwithstandthe hightemperaturesof the cleaningprocess.
•The oven rocks can be cleaned in the oven. However, the oven racks will discolor, lose shininess,and become difficult to slide in and out if left in the oven during the cleaning process. REMOVE RACKS FROM OVEN IF THIS DISCOLORATION WILL BE OBJECTIONABLE. As a suggestion,do not leave the racks in the oven during each
•Cleanspattersand spillsfrom those areas
which will not be cleaned duringthe self- cleaning process:
the door gasket).
NOTE: DO NOT CLEAN serial plate locatedon the oven front.
To clean these areas, use hot water and detergent,nonabrasivecleansersor soap filledsteelwoolpads(rubwiththe brushed grain on the oven front frame to prevent
scratching).Rinsethoroughly,beingcare- ful notto usean excessiveamountof water
that would dampen the door gasket. So#
taft in these areas wi// be more difficuH to remove after the
process since the high heat will bake on any soil that is present. DO NOT USE COMMERCIAL OVEN CLEANERSTO CLEAN THESE AREAS.
•If you intendto usegrill whencleaningthe oven,make suregreasecontainer is empty to preventa possibleoverflow.