•To preventdry surface on fish or lean meats,brush melted butter on top.
•Foodsthat require turning should be turned only once during broiling.Turn meat with tongsto avoid piercingand lossof juices.
•Cookingtimesgiven in the chart are to be used onlyas a guide.
•The oven hasa variablebroilfeaturewhichmeansthatthe broilingtemperature can be variedby selectinga lowertemperaturesettingon the TEMPERATURE
knob. Usinga lowertemperaturesettingwill causethe broilelement to cycle on and off. This feature can be usedfor foods that need to cook more slowly or need less radiant heat. If foods are broiling too fast, the control can be
set at a lower temperatureto reduce the cookingspeed rather than moving the broiler pan to a lowerrack.
NOTE:A fanshouldcomeon duringthe BROILcycle.If thefan doesnot operate,
NOTE:Thischartisa suggestedguideThetimesmayvarywith.foodbeingcooked.