If oven door _ not nnloel_
•oven may not havecooled to safe temperatureafter
•TEMPERATUREknob may havebeen switchedfrom CLEAN position.
•electric currentcoming intothe ovenmay be off.
If food• do not broil properly:
•the SELECTOR and/or TEMPERATUREknobsmay not be set properly.
•check rackposition.
•voltageinto house may be low.
if baked food is burned or too brown on top:
•the SELECTOR knob may be in the BROIL position.
•food may be positionedincorrectlyin oven.
•ovennot preheatedproperly.
If foods bake unevenly:
sthe range may be installedimproperly.
• check the oven rackwith a level.
•staggerpans;do not allow pansto touch each otheror oven wall.
•check instructionsfor suggestedplacementof pans on oven rack.
if oven bnklu_ results are less than _xpemd:
•the pans being used may not be of the size or material recommended for bestresults.
•there may not besufficientroomaround sidesof the pansfor properair circula- tion in the oven.
•check instructionsfor preheating,rackpositionand oventemperature.
•oven ventmay havebeen blockedor covered.
If bakl--_ rest_ts diner from previous oven:
•oven thermostat calibration may differ between old and new ovens. Follow recipeand useand caredirectionsbeforecallingfor servicesincethe oalibretion on the previousoven may have driftedto a too high or too low setting.