6.Flammable materialsshould not be stored in an oven or nearsurfaceunits.
7.Do not use water on greasefires. Smotherfire or flame or usedry chemicalor
8.Useonly drypotholders.Moistordamp potholderson hot surfaces may result in burns from steam. Do not let potholdertouch hot heatingelements.Do not use a towel or otherbulkycloth.
9.Use properpan size. Many appliancesare equippedwith one or moresurfaceunitsof differentsize.Selectcookware
havingflat bottomslargeenoughto coverthe surfaceunit heating element. The use of undersizedco(_kwarewill exposea portionof the heatingelementto directcontact and may resultin ignitionof clothing.Properrelationship of cookwareto heatingelementwill alsoimproveefficiency and performance.
10. Neverleavesurface unitsunattendedat high heatsettings. Boil overcausessmokingand greasyspilloversthat may ignite.
11.On conventionalelementrangesmakesurethatdrip pans are in place.Absenceof these pans duringcooking may subjectwiringor componentsunderneathto damage.
12.Do not usealuminumfoil to line surfaceunit drip pans, grill basinor oven bottom.Installationof these linersmay resultin anelectricshockor fire hazard.
13.Glazed cookware
14.Oookwarehandlesshouldbe turnedinwardand notextend over adjacent surface heating elementsto avoid burns,
ignitionofflammablematerialsandspillagedueto uninten- tionalcontactwiththe cookware.
15. Do not soak or immerse removableheatingelementsin water.
cabinetsabovea rangeor on the backguardof a range
17.Do not touch surface units or areas near units, heating elementsor interior surfacesof oven. Surface units or
heatingelementsmay be hot even thoughthey are dark in color.Areasnear surfaceunitsand interiorsurfacesof