of N.E.C.) can be supplied to isolate the unit power voltage for servicing. Separate external fusing must be supplied, by others, in the in coming power wiring, which must comply with the National Electric Code and/or local codes.
4.Single Point Disconnect with Individual System Breakers: Single point Terminal Block with Non- Fused Disconnect and lockable external handle (in compliance with Article
5.Single Point Circuit Breaker: Single point Ter- minal Block with Circuit Breaker and lockable external handle (in compliance with Article 440 14 of N.E.C.) can be supplied to isolate power voltage for servicing. Incoming power wiring must comply with the National Electric Code and/or local codes. Single Point Circuit Break ers available on
D.Pressure Transducers and Readout Capability
1.Discharge Pressure Transducers: Permits unit to sense and display discharge pressure. Stan- dard on
E.Control Power Transformer: Converts unit power voltage to
F.Motor Current Module: Capable of monitoring com- pressor motor current. Provides extra protection against compressor reverse rotation,
G.Power Factor Correction Capacitors: Provided to correct unit compressor factors to a
H.Condenser Coil Environmental Protection:
2.Copper Fin: Provide copper fins in lieu of alumi- num.
I.Protective Chiller Panels (Factory or Field Mounted
1.Louvered Panels (condenser coils only): Painted steel as per remainder of unit cabinet, over external condenser coil faces.
2.Wire Panels (full unit): Heavy gauge, welded
3.Louvered Panels (full unit): Painted steel as per remainder of unit cabinet, to protect condenser coils from incidental damage, visually screen internal components, and prevent unauthorized access to internal components.
4.Louvered/Wire Panels: Louvered steel panels on external condenser coil faces, painted as per remainder of unit cabinet. Heavy gauge, welded
J.Flow Switch
K.Differential Pressure Switch: Alternative to an above mentioned flow switch. Pretempco model
L.Evaporator options:
1.Provide 1½" cooler insulation in lieu of standard ¾".
2.Provide DX Cooler with 300 PSIG
3.Provide Raised Face Flanges for field instal- lation on cooler nozzles and field piping:
a.150 PSIG, welded Flanges.
b.300 PSIG, welded Flanges.
M.Service Isolation valves: Service suction and dis charge (ball type) isolation valves are added to unit per system. This option also includes a system high pressure relief valve in compliance with ASHRAE 15.
N.Remote Cooler: Manufacturer shall provide sep-
arately: chiller less evaporator, leaving and return