5.2 Running the cluster_prep Command
IMPORTANT: Some HP XC patches might need to be run before cluster_prep. Check the Readme file of all patches for more details.
IMPORTANT: If you are restarting the cluster_prep procedure, you must remove the database on the headnode with the # reset_db command.
NOTE: You can access the head node by using the IRC or by using ssh with PuTTY to connect to the IP address of the head node.
To run the cluster_prep command to prepare the system, follow these steps:
1.Enter the following command:
#cd /opt/hptc/config/sbin
2.Enter the following command:
#./cluster_prep --enclosurebased
3.Enter the following responses as indicated. For more information on reponses, see Table
IMPORTANT: Do not press
If you terminate cluster_prep before it completes processing, you must use the Kickstart installation procedure to reinstall the head node.
For example:
Enter node naming prefix [n]: Enter or n
Enter the maximum number of nodes in this cluster [ ]: Enter or 8
Please enter the Database Admin Password: Test1234
Do you want to configure the external connection on the head node? [Y]: Enter
External Ethernet device on the head node [undef]: eth1
Enter common user name for all console port management devices: root
IP address [ ]: ip_address (For example:
Netmask [ ]: netmask (For example:
IPv6 address (optional) [ ]: Enter
Gateway IP address [ ]: network_gateway_ipaddress (For example:
MTU value (optional) [ ]: Enter
IP address for DNS name server [ ]: dns_name server(If unknown, Enter)
Search path [ ]: dns_searchpath (if unknown, Enter)
NOTE: Be sure to use a period after the last domain name.
[P]roceed, [R]etry: P
28 XC Software Installation