#sys_check > /tmp/filename.html
By default, the sys_check utility creates the report in HTML format, but there is an option to create a text version. You can redirect the output of the sys_check report to the directory and file name of your choice.
For more information about this utility and its options, see the HP XC System Software Administration Guide and sys_check(8).
5.16 Setting Up VLAN
IMPORTANT: Set up the VLAN carefully and in accordance with the following procedures to ensure that access to the switch management functions is available over the required network. Setting up VLAN is particularly important if the system is on an external network because XC uses an autodiscovery process.
VLANs are commonly used to split up groups of network users into manageable broadcast domains, to create logical segmentation of workgroups, and to enforce security policies among logical segments.
If a
To control the broadcast traffic and to allow separate management policies to be applied to the Administrative/Console network from the external network, you can create a VLAN for the Administrative/Console network. The VLAN must have, as its members, the internal ports of the HP GbE2c switch that are connected to NIC1 of the servers (ports
To start up a hyperterminal, follow these steps:
1.Go to Programs→Accessories→Communications→HyperTerminal.
2.Select COM1.
3.Fill in the following information:
Bits per second | 9600 |
Data bits | 8 |
Parity | None |
Stop bits | 1 |
Flow control | None |
Click OK. |
4.At the password prompt, type admin, which is the default.
5.Enter the following HP GbE2c switch CLI commands to create a second VLAN. Name VLAN#2 AdminNet and add the switch ports to it. The CLI prompts as follows:
NOTE: In the following example /cfg/l2/vlan 2, l2 is the letter l as in layer, not the number one. Be sure to put a space between vlan and 2.
>>/cfg/l2/vlan 2
>>VLAN 2 name AdminNet
>>VLAN 2 add 1
>>VLAN 2 add 2
>>VLAN 2 add 3
>>VLAN 2 add 4
>>VLAN 2 add 5
>>VLAN 2 add 6
5.16 Setting Up VLAN 39