[O]k, [R]especify Interfaces: O
Interfaces over which traps will be accepted: loopback
[O]k, [R]especify Interfaces:
Would you like to create a
Do you want to configure SLURM? (y/n) [y]: n
SLURM configuration complete. Press 'Enter' to continue: Enter
Do you want to install LSF now? (y/n) [y]: Enter
There are two types of LSF available to install: 1. Standard LSF: the standard Load Sharing Facility product. 2.
LSF System Name [hptclsf]: Enter
Enter the name of the Primary LSF Administrator. [lsfadmin]: Enter
Do you want to create this user now? (y/n) [y]: Enter
New UNIX password: Test1234
Retype new UNIX password: Test1234
Press 1 or Enter to install this host type: Enter
5.6 Running the cluster_config Command 33