A |
administration | The private network within the HP XC system that is used for administrative operations. |
network |
B |
base image | The collection of files and directories that represents the common files and configuration data |
| that are applied to all nodes in an HP XC system. |
branch switch | A component of the administration network. A switch that is uplinked to the root switch and |
| receives physical connections from multiple nodes. |
C |
cluster | A set of independent computers combined into a unified system through system software and |
| networking technologies. |
compute node | A node that is assigned only with the compute role and no other. Jobs are distributed to and |
| run on nodes with the compute role; no other services run on a compute node. |
| . |
D |
DHCP | Dynamic Host Control Protocol. A protocol that dynamically allocates IP addresses to computers |
| on a local area network. |
Dynamic Host | See DHCP. |
Control Protocol |
E |
enclosure | The hardware and software infrastructure that houses HP BladeSystem servers. |
G |
golden image | A collection of files, created from the golden client file system that are distributed to one or |
| more client systems. Specific files on the golden client may be excluded from the golden image |
| if they are not appropriate for replication. |
H |
head node | The single node that is the basis for software installation, system configuration, and |
| administrative functions in an HP XC system. There may be another node that can provide a |
| failover function for the head node, but HP XC system has only one head node at any one time. |
host name | The name given to a computer. Lowercase and uppercase letters |
| periods, and dashes are permitted in host names. Valid host names contain from 2 to 63 |
| characters, with the first character being a letter. |
I |
I/O node | A node that has more storage available than the majority of server nodes in an HP XC system. |
| This storage is frequently externally connected storage, for example, SAN attached storage. |
| When configured properly, an I/O server node makes the additional storage available as global |
| storage within the HP XC system. |
iLO | Integrated Lights Out. A |
| cluster platform hardware models that enables remote management of any node within a |
| system. |