The Last Stage Selector Jumper (J2) is comprised of an eight (8) position jumper block. A shunt bar jumper is placed in the position corresponding to the last active stage or boiler number. See table below for examples of Jumper (J2) settings.
Fig # 9242
Fig # 9246
The First Stage Selector (Stage #1 ID) (S2) Switch is an eight (8) position switch, each switch position corresponds to a
(Switch #1 should always be on.) See the table below for examples.
Fig # 9245
The Mode Selector Switch (S3) is comprised of an eight (8) position dip switch with the following functions:
Sw #1 - Manual/Auto
OD off
Sw #2 - Outdoor Reset "OD off"
Note: The outdoor sensor must be connected in all modes, otherwise a sensor error will be displayed.