Samsung VC15H4060VL/ML manual  Thermal protector

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Do not use alkaline or industrial detergents, air fresheners or (acetic) acids to clean the washable parts of the vacuum cleaner.(Refer to the following table.)

It may cause damage, deformation or discoloration of the plastic parts.

The washable parts

Dust bin of the



body, Dust filter,



Sponge filter,






Kitchen cleaner









Bleach, Mold



cleaner, etc.






Paraffin oil,



Emulsifier, etc.






NV-I, PB-I, Opti,



Alcohol, Acetone,



Benzene, Thinner,








Air freshener

Air freshener(Spray)






Animal or vegetable









Edible acetic acid,



Vinegar, Glacial



acetic acid, etc.




Thermal protector :

This vacuum cleaner has a special thermostat that protects the motor in case of its overheating. If the vacuum cleaner suddenly shuts off, turn off the switch and unplug the vacuum cleaner. Make sure that there is power in the socket. To avoid electric shock, please contact a qualified electrician. Check the vacuum cleaner for possible source

of overheating such as a full dust bin, a blocked hose, pipe, or clogged filter. If these conditions are found, fix them and wait at least 30 minutes before attempting to use the vacuum cleaner. After the 30 minute period, plug the vacuum cleaner back in and turn on the switch. If the vacuum cleaner still does not run, contact a service engineer.


Do not use the pipe for anything other than its intended purpose.

It may result in injury or damage.

When you lift up the handle of dust bin while using the vacuum cleaner, safety device will be activated and there might be changes in operating noise.

Operating noise may change when you hold the handle of the dust bin while using the vacuum cleaner, but the circular tube on bottom of the dust bin prevents dust from spilling out.

Unplug the vacuum cleaner if you do not use it for a long time.

It may cause electric shock or fire.

Do not pull the power cord beyond the yellow mark and hold the power cord with one hand when rewinding it

If you try to pull it beyond the yellow mark, power cord can be damaged and if you don’t hold the power cord while rewinding, it may lose control and cause injury or damage to people or objects around it.

If any abnormal sounds, smells or smoke come from the vacuum cleaner, immediately unplug the power plug and contact a service center.

There is a risk of fire or electric shock.

Do not use the vacuum cleaner in any places near heating appliances(such as stove), combustible spray or flammable materials.

It may cause fire or deformation of the product.


Image 5 Contents
Thank you for purchasing a Samsung product Vacuum CleanerSafety Information Safety informationENGLISH-03  Do not mount or make any physical impacts on the body  Please prevent any risk of electric shock or fire Thermal protector Options AssemblingName of each part Where to use the brushesUsing the handle control Using the vacuum cleanerUsing the body Higher powerCleaning the pipe Cleaning the hose Cleaning and maintainingCleaning the outlet filter Cleaning the dust filter SC15K41 Series Cleaning the dust binMaintaining the mini turbo ENGLISH-13 About storing Use Cleaning and maintenanceProblem Solution TroubleshootingPage Благодарим за приобретение изделия компании Samsung ПылесосМеры Предосторожности Меры предосторожностиСледите за тем, чтобы дети не играли с устройством  Не разрешайте детям касаться пылесоса во время его работы ТехобслуживаниеПредупреждение Эксплуатация и  Используйте трубу исключительно по прямому назначению Внимание ЭксплуатацияДополнительно СборкаМеста использования щеток Перечень деталейСредства управления на корпусе Использование пылесосаИспользование регулятора на рукоятке Чистка выпускного фильтра Чистка трубы Чистка пылевого фильтра Серия SC15K41 Чистка контейнера для пылиТехобслуживание мини-турбонасадки Чистка и обслуживание устройстваЧистка насадки для паркета Хранение пылесоса Хранение ЭксплуатацияЧистка и обслуживание  Не мойте выпускной фильтр водойСпособ Устранения Устранение неисправностейPage Page ןורתפ היעב תויעב ןורתפהקוזחתו יוקינ שומישה ךלהמב תורהזאו תורעהןוסחא תודוא Samsung לש םיימוקמהתויצפוא תושרבמ ןווגמ יוקינ דרפנב השיכרל דרפנב השיכרל היצפוא וברוט-ינימה תקוזחת הקוזחתו יוקינSC15K41 הרדס קבאה לכמ יוקינקבאה ןנסמ יוקינ הקוזחתו יוקינרוניצה יוקינ יפוקסלטה רוניצה יוקינ האיציה ןנסמ יוקינרישכמה ףוגב שומיש קבאה באושב שומישתידיה תרקבב שומיש םיילניצפואו םיקפוסמ םירזיבא קלח לכ לש ומש הבכרההשענ אל רשאכ למשחהמ קבאה באוש תא קתנ  בר ןמז ךשמב שומיש וב שומישה ךלהמב תוריהזתלוז תרחא הרטמ לכל רוניצב שמתשהל ןיא  דעונ המשל רשא הרטמה שומישה ךלהמב הרהזא הקוזחתו תוחיטב אשונב עדימלמשחל עגונב עדימ הרהזא Page תוחיטב אשונב עדימ Samsung לש רצומ תשכרש הדות הקוזחתו יוקינ