A Draft gauge must be used. Draft in smoke pipe must be set at .03 Water Column updraft. Failure to set properly will cause fuel to be wasted, heating will not be satisfactory, fast buildup of creosote in heat exchanger and chimney may occur and cause damage to your heating system.
The draft regulator will afford the user maximum fuel efficiency, however, the finest draft regulator in the world cannot increase the efficiency of a heating system if the system as well as the regulator is not in proper adjustment.
Basically, stack temperature and percentage of CO2 are
a measure of stack losses for any fuel. Therefore, many of the basic principles can be and should be applied to
In preparation for these tests, the following should be checked. The Draft Regulator installed should be:
•plumb and level
•in the same room as the unit
FIG. 40
•on the side of a vertical, sloping or horizontal smoke pipe
•located close to the furnace
Drill two holes approximately 1/4 inch in diameter in the flue pipe between the outlet from the furnace and the Draft Control.
Insert a stack thermometer in one of the holes and leave it there continually during the test so that you can refer to it at any time. See Fig. 40
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