Honeywell VISTA-15PSIA Misc. Fault Delay Time, Program Mode Lockout Options, Event Log Enables

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Installation and Setup Guide

*87 Misc. Fault Delay Time

0 = 15 secs


= 90 secs

8 = 4 min

#+12 = 8 min

1 = 30 secs


= 2 min

9 = 5 min

#+13 = 10 min

2 = 45 secs


= 2-1/2 min

#+10 = 6 min

#+14 = 12 min

3 = 60 secs


= 3 min

#+11 = 7 min

#+15 = 15 min

Used with zones assigned to a configurable zone type with fault delay on (configurable zone type digit “6”), and sets a zone response time of 15 seconds to 15 min. It can be assigned to zones with sensors that provide a trouble indication when an oil tank is low, or similar applications for critical condition monitoring where a non-alarm response is desired.

UL: May only be used on non-burglar alarm and non- fire alarm zones when used on a fire and/or UL burglar alarm installation.

*88 Program Mode Lockout Options

0 = standard *98 installer code lockout

1 = lockout [] + [#] reentry after *98 exit (reentry via installer code only)

2 = not used; 3 = lockout all local programming after *98 exit (reentry via downloader only)

The following table summarizes the Program mode lockout options:



Reentry By:










































pressing [∗] + [#] within 50 seconds of power up

*89 Event Log Full Report Code

0 = no report; 1-F = see description above *59

If an Event Logging selection is made in field ∗90, a message can be sent to the central station receiver when the log is 80% full. If the log becomes full, new messages overwrite the oldest messages in the log.

*90 Event Log Enables

0 = no event logging; 1 = log Alarm and Restore; 2 = log Trouble and Restore

4 = log Bypass and Restore; 8 = log Open/Close

x = log combination of events (add value of entries)

This system can record various events in a history log (VISTA-20P = 100 events; VISTA-15P = 50 events). At any time, the downloader operator can then upload the log and view or print out all or selected categories of the log. The downloader operator can also clear the log. Event log can also be viewed at an alpha keypad. The display/printout at the central station will show the date, time, event, and description of the occurrences.

Data Entry Example: To select Alarm/Alarm Restore” and “Open/Close”, enter 9 (1+ 8); to select all events, enter #15.

*91 Option Selection

0 = none; 4 = using Audio Alarm Verification (AAV) unit; 8 = Enable Exit delay restart/reset ††

Select by adding the values of each option. E.g., for both

AAV and Exit delay restart, enter # + 12 (4 + 8).

V20PSIA/V15PSIA: Options: Same as listed above.

Call Waiting Disable: 0 = call waiting not used

1 = call waiting disable digits (*70) entered in field *40;

(when selected, the system dials the entry in field *40 only on alternate dial attempts; this allows proper dialing in the event call waiting service is later canceled by the user).

††“Exit Delay Restart/reset” option allows use of the [∗] key to restart the exit delay at any time when the system is armed STAY or INSTANT. This feature also enables automatic exit delay reset, which resets exit delay if the entry/exit door is re-opened and closed before exit delay time expires after arming AWAY. Automatic Exit Delay Reset occurs only once during an armed period.

IMPORTANT: AAV should not be used when Paging or Alarm Reports are sent to a secondary number unless the monitoring zone option is used (which pauses calls). Otherwise, the call to the secondary number by the communicator after the alarm report will prevent the AAV from taking control of the telephone line, and the AAV “Listen in” session cannot take place.

UL UL installations using the AAV feature must use the ADEMCO UVCM module (part of the ADEMCO UVS system). Exit Delay Restart/Reset must be disabled.

SIA Guidelines: Exit delay should be enabled.

*92 Phone Line Monitor Enable

Entry 1–Timeout:

0 = disabled; 1-15 = 1 minute to 15 minutes respectively

(2 = 2 min, 3 = 3 min, etc.; # + 10 =10 min, # + 11 = 11 min,

#+ 12 = 12 min, # + 13 = 13 min, # + 14 = 14 min, # + 15 = 15 min)

Entry 2–Display/Sound:

0 = keypad display only when phone line is faulted.

1 = keypad display plus keypad trouble sound when line is faulted. Each partition turns off its own trouble sound. No automatic timeout.

2 = Same as “1” plus programmed output device STARTS.

If either partition is armed, external sounder activates. External sounder will be turned off by normal bell timeout, or by security code plus OFF from either partition (it does not have to be the one that was armed).

Entry 1: Sets the length of time a phone line fault must remain after detected before the second digit option is activated.

Entry 2: Selects the desired phone line fault response. Option 2 may be used even if a relay unit or Powerline carrier device is not connected to the control.

Programmed Output Device must either be programmed to be STOPPED in field ∗80 or STOPPED by entry of [security code] + [#] + 8 + device number. Partition in ∗80 should be set to “0,” for STOP.

UL Field *92 must be enabled for fire alarm installations, UL commercial burglar alarm installations and UL residential burglar alarm installations.

If the control unit is used on a UL commercial burglar alarm system which requires 2 methods of remote communication, then the control unit’s DACT and the other method of signal transmission must monitor each other against communication failure and line fault. The fault must be received and annunciated within 200 seconds of its occurrence.


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Contents Ademco Vista Series Recommendations for Proper Protection Table Of Contents Table Of Contents Features and Installation Highlights Capabilities and FunctionsImportant Installation Highlights Installer Please Read Compatible DevicesDevice Mounting and Wiring the Control Installing the Control Cabinet and PC BoardAuxiliary Device Current Draw Worksheet AC Power, Battery, and Ground Connections Wire Run ChartBasic Connections Connecting the Keypads and Other Addressable DevicesSounder Bell Connections Supervised outputLong Range Radio Connections Table of Device AddressesKeypad Notes Size MA or less 100 mA 300 mA 500 mA 600 mAHardwire Zones and Zone Expansion Smoke Detector Notes ZonesRF Receiver No. of Zones Installing the RF Receiver and Wireless Transmitter ZonesCompatible Receivers Receiver ConnectionsTransmitter Battery Life Installing a 5800TMInstalling ModuleInstalling a Keyswitch Keyswitch ConnectionsPowerline Carrier Devices 4204/4229 Relay ModulesOn-Board Triggers With the control as shown belowPhone Module Problems Phone Line 4285/4286 Phone ModuleAudio Alarm Verification Connections AAV, listen-In BankProgramming Overview About ProgrammingMechanics of Programming Zone Type Definitions Alarm Alarm by NightHr Silent Alarm Auxiliary AlarmConfigurable No AlarmKeyswitch Response TypeAbout Data Field Programming System Setup Fields ∗20 ∗29Data Field Programming Zone Sounds & Timing ∗31-∗39Dialer Programming ∗40 ∗50 Dynamic Signaling Priority Burglary Dialer DelayDynamic Signaling Delay Zone Programming Menu ModeSystem Status Report Codes Miscellaneous System Fields Event Log Enables Misc. Fault Delay TimeProgram Mode Lockout Options Phone Line Monitor EnablePager Programming Fields Pager 1 Characters 172Pager Delay Option for AlarmsClean Me Option Pager 1 Report OptionsConfigurable Zone Type Options Configurable Zone Type FieldsConfigurable Zone Type Zone Type 90 Report CodesConfigurable Zone Type Charts Zone Conditions Represented EntriesTouch Screen Keypad AUI Enable Keypad Programming FieldsInstallation and Setup Guide Zones and Partitions Menu Mode ProgrammingZone Programming Procedure About Zone Programming ∗56 and ∗58 Menu ModesSummary Screen Hardwire TypeZone Number Zone Type ZTLoop Number Change Input Device typeSerial number Entry and Loop Number Entry Enroll Summary∗58 Expert Programming Mode Procedures Completing Zone ProgrammingTo Delete a Serial Number Zone ProgrammingSerial number ConfirmTemplate Display Wireless Key Programming TemplatesTemplate Number Partition5804BD 2-Way Wireless Key Transmitter Wireless Key Predefined Default TemplatesWireless Key Transmitter Not ConfirmedProgramming Output Devices About Output Device Programming *79/*80 Menu ModeMenu Mode Output Device Mapping Output IdentificationOutput Type Relay PositionModule Addresses Menu Mode Defining Output Functions Output Function NoActivated By = off = Change Device State = Close for 2 seconds Output Action01-08 = zone list ∗ to continue = Stay ClosedAbout Zone Lists *81 Menu Mode Zone List ProgrammingFunction Key About Function Keys *57 Menu ModeProgramming Function Keys Partition NumbeAbout Descriptor Programming *82 Menu Mode Programming Zone Descriptors Menu Mode ∗82Accept Second Word Accept First WordSecond 3-Digit Index No Assigning Partition/Custom Message DescriptorsCharacter Ascii Chart For Adding Custom Words For Entering Zone DescriptorsProgramming Installer and User Schedules Schedule NumberStart Time Repeat Option = repeat every third week 4 = repeat every fourth weekRandomize For events 01 Report Code Formats System Communication and OperationPanel Communication with Central Station DigitWhere Code for Type +1/4+1 Report Standard ExpandedAdemco Contact ID Some event codes may not apply to certain control panelsCode Definition Attributes Values Keyfob must be enrolled in system first see Wireless KeySystem Security Codes Level User No FunctionsVoice Keypads Keypad CommandsKeypad Functions Function DescriptionSetting the Real-Time Clock Keys Displayed as Zone ∗ /1 ∗ /#Various System Trouble Displays Alpha Display Fixed Disp MeaningInstallation and Setup Guide Checking Transmitter Enrollment Sniffer Mode Testing the SystemAbout Test Procedures System TestDialer Communication Test and Periodic Test Reports Go/No Go Test ModeAutomatic Standby Battery Tests Automatic Periodic Test ReportElectrical Specifications & AccessoriesSecurity Control CommunicationWire Smoke Detector Detector TypeSeries Transmitter Input Loop Identification Compatible 5800 Series Transmitters TableModel Product Input Type Description 5827 Wireless Keypad Can be used to turn the burglary protection on and offTo be transmitted Regulatory Agency Statements Industrie CanadaUL Notices Page Installation and Setup Guide Page Installation and Setup Guide Limitations and Warranty Limitations of this Alarm System10-8 Index 10-10 Summary of Connections Limited Warranty K5305-1V5 10/04 Rev. a