4.Smoke Rollout when heater door is opened
5.Low Catalytic Temperature
Possible Cause
1.Gusts of wind
2.Hot combustor (Above 1400 o F)
1.Bypass damper is closed, or combustor is in operating position
2.Wind gusts blowing down chimney
3.Opening heater door too fast
1.Bypass damper is open
3.Fuel charge is spent
4.Combustor coated with fly ash or soot
5.Heater dampered down too much
1.Install Buck draft inducer
2.Increase the amount of combustion air slowly.
1.Open bypass damper. In retrofit place combustor in bypass position before opening stove door.
2.Install Buck draft inducer
3.Wait a few seconds after opening bypass damper be- fore opening heater door to give smoke a chance to exit
2.Follow manufacturer’s oper- ating instructions
3.Refuel as necessary for com- bustor operation
4.See section on “Combustor Related Problems”
5.Ensure that proper air mix- ture and draft are available for wood pyrolysis to con- tinue
2.Catalyst Peeling
3.Catalyst Masking
1.Burning materials that produce a lot of char and fly ash
2.Burning wet, pitchy wood or burning large loads of small- diameter wood with the combustor in the operating position without
1.Extreme temperatures at combustor surface can cause the catalyst to peel. Over- firing and flame impingement are primary cause
1.Not maintaining
1.Do not burn materials such as garbage, gift wrap or cardboard
2.Burn dry, seasoned wood. Don’t place the combustor in the operating position until high temperatures are high enough to initiate
1.If peeling is severe, remove and replace combustor. Avoid extreme temperatures.
1.Place combustor in a partially closed position after a “hot” fire has been started to burn soot off