3. Press History to display the History Selection Menu.
System Operation (cont’d)
History Selection Menu
? | See history: |
On this screen
On printer
Quit |
4.Press On this screen to display the last 1000 system events (in chronological order, beginning with the most recent event). The events are displayed by date, time, and type.
5.Press PgDn to display additional information, including the user name, point, and group description.
6.Press PgUp to display the original event information.
7.Press Prev or Next to display additional events in the history log.
8.Press Quit to display the History Selection Menu.
9.Press Quit to display Action Menu 1.
Printing the History Log
If a printer is installed, turned on and selected complete steps 1 through 3 in Viewing the History Log. Then perform following steps:
4.Press On printer to display the printing options.
5.Press Last 60 events or Last 1000 events to print the desired number of events.
6.The display will prompt you to check your paper supply (2 sheets to print 60 events or 20 sheets to print 1000 events).
7.Press Start print to begin printing the history log.
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