The following procedure is for service and installation personnel only. Resetting lockout
conditions without correcting the malfunction can result in a hazardous condition.
If an error code is displayed (except for #4, low flame sense current), the water heater will be in a “lockout condition” with the water heater display showing the error code number and “Service Needed” in the status section of the display window. Error codes 62 (maximum number of retries detected) and 63 (maximum number if ignition recycles detected) are “Soft Lockouts” in which the control can be reset in the “User Mode” by pressing the lower right button under “Lockout Reset” shown in the lower right portion of the display. The control will also go through 3 attempts to relight the burners every hour in the soft lockout condition.
Error Code Shown in
Water Heater Display
Status Service needed
Press for 2 seconds
All other error codes will put the water heater into a “Hard Lockout” condition, in which the water heater will not operate and cannot be reset in the “User Mode”. To reset a hard lockout, first enter the “Service Mode” described earlier by pressing both the “Temperature Up” and “Select Buttons” at the same time for 3 seconds. Then press the lower right button under “Lockout Reset” in the water heater display and hold for 3 seconds.
Resetting Error Codes in Hard Lockout Condition
Error Code Shown in
Water Heater Display
Status Service Needed |
| % |
&Step 1: Press for 3 seconds to enter service mode.
Status Service Needed
Step 2: Press for 3 seconds to reset control in service mode.
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