Kompernass KH 1114 warranty Cleaning and care, Removing scale, Cleaning of the lid

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Cleaning and care

Always remove the plug from the power socket before cleaning the appliance.

Danger of electrical shock

Before you clean the Coffee Maker, you must remove the power plug from the power soc- ket.


When cleaning the Coffee Maker, under no circumstances may you submerse it in water or hold it under running water.

Risk of burns!

Always wait until the Coffee Maker has coo- led down before cleaning it.

Take off the lid of the thermos jug r, when cleaning (see Fig )

Do not use household detergents or sharp/poin- ted objects to remove soiling. These could dama- ge the Coffee Maker.

Wipe the housing of the Coffee Maker and the thermos jug r with a soft cloth lightly moistened with a soapy solution.

After every brewing process remove the filter bag from the filter insert y.

Remove the filter and rinse the filter holder q, the filter insert y and the thermos jug r under run- ning water.

Cleaning of the lid

To clean the lid of the thermos jug r first disas- semble the lid (See Fig. ):

Carefully pull off the silicone disc from the valve at the underside of the lid. When doing this, hold the valve, because it is pressed up by a spring from the other side.

You now can take off the valve and the spring.

Clean all parts with a mild soapy solution and wipe them off well.

To assemble the lid again, proceed in reversed order.


Do not let the thermos jug with lid lie in soapy water and do not wash the parts in the dish- washer, as they could become leaky!

If you do not use the Coffee Maker for an extended period, store the power cable in the cable storage compartment t (Fig. ).

Removing scale

Remove scale from the Coffee Maker regularly.

If your water has a high degree of hardness, the cof- fee maker must be descaled after every 30 applica- tions, low degrees of hardness need only be desca- led after every 60 applications.

Use only descaling agents that are suitable for cof- fee machines and read up the instructions.

Insert the descaling agent into the water tank w.

Fill it with enough water for max. 8 large cups.

Turn the aroma knob o to "calc" to activate the descaling function.

Press the button "on" f. The red indicator a turns on and the indicator “calc” g is blinking.

Wait until the solution has completely run through the Coffee Maker.

When the procedure is complete, rinse the Cof- fee Maker through with 8 large cups of clean water twice.

After descaling, the Coffee Maker switches itself off.

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Image 5
Contents List of contents Risk of personal injuries Safety instructionsRisk of scalding Fire hazardSetting the time Technical dataItems supplied Intended useTurn the filter holder q back into the Coffee Ma- ker Using the TimerMaking coffee Cleaning of the lid Cleaning and careRemoving scale Remove scale from the Coffee Maker regularlyCoffee Maker does not start working Rectifying malfunctions DisposalCoffee is too strong/too weak Brewing process lasts very longKompernass Service Ireland Warranty & Service ImporterTions pertaining to the warranty BochumIBKH1114UK3 10.10.2007 1606 Uhr Seite Keittotapahtuman aloituksen määrittäminen Tilavuus SivuMuistitoiminto Turvaohjeet Toimituksen piiriin kuuluvat osat Tekniset tiedotMääräystenmukainen Käyttö Ennen ensimmäistä käyttöäKeittotapahtuman aloituksen määrittäminen Kahvin valmistaminenMax-merkintään 10 kuppia saakka OhjeKalkinpoisto Puhdistus ja huoltoKannen puhdistaminen Sähköiskun vaaraKahvinkeitin ei toimi Vianetsintä HävittäminenKeittotapahtuma ei käynnisty haluttuun aikaan ajastin Kahvi on liian vahvaa / mietoaTakuu & huolto Maahantuoja Kompernass Service SuomiTuotteesi maksuton lähettäminen huoltoon Palliseen käyttöönIBKH1114FIN3.qxd 10.10.2007 1607 Uhr Seite Bestämma när kaffet ska börja bryggas Innehåll SidanMinnesfunktion Säkerhetsanvisningar Leveransens omfattning Tekniska dataFöreskriven användning BeskrivningEn mildare dryck Brygga kaffeBestämma när kaffet ska börja bryggas Avkalkning Rengöring och skötselRengöra locket AktaÅtgärda fel Kassering Kaffet börjar inte bryggas vid den inställda tiden timerKaffebryggaren fungerar inte alls Kaffet är för starkt eller för svagtKompernass Service Sverige Garanti & Service ImportörSkickas in fraktfritt Inte användas yrkesmässigtIBKH1114SV3.qxd 10.10.2007 1602 Uhr Seite Indstilling af bryggestart Indhold SideHukommelsesfunktion Fare på grund af elektrisk stød SikkerhedsanvisningerBrandfare Fare for uheldMedfølger ved køb Tekniske dataBestemmelsesmæssig anvendelse Beskrivelse af apparatetIndstilling af bryggestart Brygning af kaffeSving filterholderen q ind i kaffemaskinen BemærkAfkalkning Rengøring og vedligeholdelseRengøring af låget Fare for elektrisk stødAfhjælpning af fejl Bortskaffelse Brygningen starter ikke på det ønskede tidspunkt timerKaffemaskinen fungerer ikke Kaffen er for stærk/for tyndKompernass Service Danmark Garanti & Service ImportørVare Erhvervsmæssigt brugIBKH1114DK3.qxd 10.10.2007 1605 Uhr Seite Bestemme start av trakting Innhold SideMemory-funksjon Fare for elektrisk støt SikkerhetshenvisningerBrannfare Fare for personskadeLeveranseomfang Tekniske spesifikasjonerHensiktsmessig bruk Før første gangs brukBestemme start av trakting Lage kaffeHenvisning Ved skjenking av kaffe, gjør som vist på figurKalkfjerning Rengjøring og vedlikeholdRengjøring av lokket Ta av lokket på kannen r for å rengjøre den Se figKaffetrakteren virker ikke FeilbehandlingAvhendingTraktingen starter ikke til ønsket tid ti- mer Kaffen er for sterk/svakPhone 0047 35 58 35 Kompernaß Service NorwayKostnadsfritt til oss IBKH1114NO3.qxd 10.10.2007 1601 Uhr Seite Προγραµµατισµός έναρξης παρασκευής καφέ Περιεχόµενα ΣελίδαΛειτουργία µνήµης Κίνδυνος λόγω ηλεκτροπληξίας Υποδείξεις ασφαλείαςΚίνδυνος πυρκαγιάς Κίνδυνος τραυµατισµούΣύνολο αποστολής Τεχνικές πληροφορίεςΧρήση σύµφωνη µε τους κανονισµούς Περιγραφή συσκευήςΠρογραµµατισµός έναρξης παρασκευής καφέ Προετοιµασία καφέΑποµάκρυνση αλάτων Καθαρισµός και συντήρησηΚαθαρισµός του καπακιού Περιµένετε πάντα να κρυώσει η καφετιέρα πριν την καθαρίσετεΑπόρριψη ∆ιόρθωση βλαβώνΕγγύηση & Σέρβις Εισαγωγέας Kompernass Service EλλάδαΕλάτε σε επικοινωνία µε το τµήµα του σέρβις Δωρεάν αποστολή του εµπορεύµατός σαςIBKH1114GR3.qxd 10.10.2007 1604 Uhr Seite Beginn des Brühens festlegen Inhaltsverzeichnis SeiteMemory Funktion Sicherheitshinweise Lieferumfang Technische DatenBestimmungsgemäßer Gebrauch Vor dem ersten GebrauchHinweis KaffeezubereitungBeginn des Brühens festlegen Entkalkung Reinigung und WartungReinigung des Deckels Gefahr eines elektrischen SchlagsFehlerbehebungEntsorgung Der Brühvorgang startet nicht zur ge- wünschten Zeit TimerDer Kaffeeautomat funktioniert nicht Der Kaffee ist zu stark/zu schwachSchraven Service- und Dienstleistungs GmbH Garantie & Service ImporteurWährleistet werden Brauch bestimmtIBKH1114DE3 10.10.2007 1608 Uhr Seite