Troubleshooting the recipes
Why does my bread occasionally have some flour on the | Your dough may be too dry.. Next time, take particular |
side crusts? | care with measuring the ingredients. Add up to 1 tbsp. |
| of additional liquid. |
Why do I need to add the ingredients in a particular | This is the best way to prepare the dough. Using the timer |
sequence? | function prevents the yeast from mixing with the liquid |
| before the dough is stirred. |
Why is the dough only partly kneaded? | Check to see if the kneading paddle and the baking |
| mould are correctly positioned. Also check the consistency |
| of the dough and add 1/2 to 1 tbsp. of liquids or flour, |
| one or more times after kneading. |
| With baking mixtures: The amount of ready to use baking |
| mixture and the ingredients are not matched to the capa- |
| city of the baking mould. Reduce the quantities of the |
| ingredients. |
Why has the bread not risen? | The yeast used was too old or no yeast was added. |
When should I add nuts and fruits to the dough? | You will hear a signal tone when you should add the |
| ingredients.. If you add these ingredients to the dough at |
| the start, the nuts or fruit may get crushed at the time of |
| kneading. |
The baked bread is too moist. | Check the consistency of the dough 5 Min. after the start |
| of the kneading process and, if necessary, add more |
| flour. |
There are air bubbles on the surface of the bread. | You may have used too much yeast.. |
The bread rises and then collapses. | The dough is perhaps rising too fast. To prevent this, reduce |
| the water quantity and/or increase the quantity of salt |
| and/or reduce the quantity of yeast. |
Can other recipes also be used? | You can use other recipes, however, pay attention to the |
| ingredient amounts. Get to know your appliance well and |
| the recipes given here, before you try out your own recipes. |
| NEVER exceed the volume of 700 gr of flour. |
| Adjust the quantities of your recipes to the quantities |
| specified for the recipes given in this booklet. |
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