Symbol definitions
• = Space
= Carriage return with line feed
}= Carriage return with no line feed
E= Escape
= Superscripts indicate the error message displayed if the command is entered incorrectly or with invalid parameters. See “Error responses”, earlier in this chapter.
= Specific port number
NFor Web encoding only:
Data is directed to the specified port and must be encoded if it is
Space (Hex 20) must be encoded as %20 (Hex 25 32 30)
Plus sign (Hex 2B) must be encoded as %2B (Hex 25 32 42).
X# = Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) offset value
X% = On/Off
0 = off/disable
1 = on/enable X1! = Version number
(listed to 2 decimal places)
X1@ = Name is a text string of up to 24 characters drawn from the alphabet
X1# = Local date and time format
Set format
Read format (day of week, date month year (HH:MM:SS), e.g., Thu, 20 Feb 2003 18:19:33
X1$ = IP address (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx); leading zeros in each of 4 fields are optional in setting values, and are suppressed in returned values.
X1% = Mail domain name (e.g., Extron.com) X1& = Time in tens of milliseconds to wait for
characters coming into a serial port before terminating the connection (min = 0, max = 32767, and default = 10 = 100 ms). The response is returned with leading zeros. In
X1* = Hardware (MAC) address
X1( = Subnet mask (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx). Leading zeros are optional in setting values in each of four fields, and are suppressed in returned values.
X2! = Parameter to set either the Length of the message to receive or a Delimiter value. L = byte count (min = 0, max = 32767, and
default = 0L [0 byte count). D = decimal value for the ASCII
character (min = 0, max = 00255, and default = 00000D).
Value is placed prior to parameter; for example, 3 byte length = 3L, and the ASCII 0A delimiter is 10D. This parameter is case sensitive; you must use uppercase D and L. The response is returned with leading zeros. (X2! is an optional parameter.)
X2@ = Verbose/Response Mode (Default = 0 for Telnet connections; 1 for
0 = clear/none
1 = verbose mode
2 = tagged responses for queries
3 = verbose mode and tagged responses for queries
NIf tagged responses is enabled, all read commands will return the constant string + the data, like setting the value does
(e.g. command: Esc CN } response: Ipn• x12]).
X3# = Password (12 characters = maximum length; no special characters are allowed.)
NA user password cannot be assigned if no administrator password exists; the E14 error code is returned. If the administrator password is cleared, the user password is also removed.
X3$ = Daylight savings time (used in the northern hemisphere [USA] and parts of Europe and Brazil)
0 = off/ignore
1 = on
2 = Europe
3 = Brazil
X3% = Event number, range: 0 - 99 X3^ = Event buffer:
0 = receive
1 = unified
2 = data
DVS 304 • Serial Communication |