GE Monogram Professional Rangetop CHANGE GRIDDLE ORIFICE if present, Adjust Burner Flames

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Installation Instructions for Gas Conversion


Locate the 3/4” long Griddle orifice.

Select for your gas type. LP.047, NAT.076

A. Lift off

the griddle flue


cover. Remove

Griddle Flue Cover

the 2 inside






Normally, burners do not need further adjustment. Make adjustments only when necessary.

A. Turn on the gas. Plug in electrical cord.

B. Turn all burners on highest setting and check

the flames. They should be blue in color. When

using LP gas, the flames may have some yellow

tipping at the ends of the flame. Foreign particles

B. Use a pad or



piece of



carton to




Leveling Screws

the adjacent

surface. Slide



the griddle

Clamping Screws


the rear



and out of



the hold-down tabs along

the bottom.




the 2 screws positioned on the inside only. Do not remove the outermost screws—they are for leveling.

in the gas line may cause an orange flame at first,

but this will soon disappear.

C. Turn the burner knob to “LO” while observing the


Adjust the setting of the upper row of flames using the valve bypass screw as follows:

Adjustments must be made with two other burners in operation on a medium setting. This prevents the upper row of flames from being set too low, resulting in the flame being extinguished when other burners are turned on.

C.CAREFULLY lift and hold the griddle. A thermostat capillary is routed through a clip. Gently lift the griddle to one side and slip the capillary out of the clip.

D.Lay the griddle

on the padded surface. Do not disconnect or pull on the capillary.

E.Remove the 2 burner hold-down screws

at the rear of the burner.

Pull the burner straight back toward the rear and out of the gas inlet.




D.To adjust the flame, remove the knobs. Insert a small flat-blade screwdriver into the hole in the center

of the valve stem to engage screw.

If the flames are too small or flutter, turn the screw counterclockwise.

F.Use a 1/2" deep well socketManual background

to remove and replace the orifice.


Back of Range


Front of Range

Reverse these steps to re-assemble the griddle. Push excess capillary back into the entry hole. Route the thermostat capillary so it is held by the clip. Place the unused orifice in the holder for possible future use.

If the flames are too large, turn the screw clockwise.

E.Make the adjustment by slowly turning the screw until flame appearance is correct.

Once the conversion is complete and checked, fill out the conversion label and affix the label near the rating label. For ranges, place the label beneath the control panel. For rangetops, place the label on the bottom of the unit.


Image 17
Contents Instructions d’installation Installation InstructionsTables de cuisson professionnelles de 36 91 cm et de 48 122 cm Estufas profesionales de 36 91 cm y 48 122 cmBEFORE YOU BEGIN Safety InformationVent hood Combinations Completion Time - 1 to 3 hoursBACKSPLASH ACCESSORIES CONTENTSInstallation Instructions Installation PreparationADDITIONAL CLEARANCES PRODUCT DIMENSIONS AND CLEARANCES FOR 48” MODELSUniversal Utility Locations PRODUCT DIMENSIONS AND CLEARANCES FOR 36” MODELSFront of deep cabinets can align with control panel beveled edge INSTALLATION OPTIONSControl panel projects forwards from standard depth cabinets POWER SUPPLY LOCATIONS Installation PreparationTOOLS REQUIRED MATERIALS PROVIDEDStand clear. The ends of the cut metal banding may snap toward you REMOVE PACKAGINGCutout Opening with False Bottom InstallationSTEP 1 CUT THE COUNTERTOP OPENING Assure that gas is turned off at the shut-off valve STEP 2 INSTALL RANGETOPSTEP 3 CONNECT RANGETOP TO GAS INSTALLATION CHECKLIST FINALIZE INSTALLATIONSTEP 4 CONNECT ELECTRICAL STEP 5 CHECK BURNERSOPTIONAL ACCESSORIES-12 HIGH BACKSPLASH ZX12B30PSS, ZX12B36PSS, ZX12B48PSS Accessory InstallationINSTALL 12 BACKSPLASH TOOLS AND MATERIALS REQUIREDACCESSORIES-30 TO 36 ADJUSTABLE BACKSPLASH not included ZXADJB30PSS, ZXADJB36PSS, ZXADJB48PSS Accessory InstallationINSTALL THE WALL SUPPORT PANELS Maximum shelf load-bearing weight is 40 lbsINSTALL COVER PANELS cont INSTALL COVER PANELSSee alternate method if side access is blocked ALTERNATE METHOD When side access is blockedConvert LP Gas to Natural Gas Operation Convert Natural Gas to LP Gas Operation2 CONVERT THE REGULATOR TOOLS YOU NEEDED FOR CONVERSION3 CHANGE BURNER ORIFICES cont Installation Instructions for Gas Conversion4 CHANGE GRILL ORIFICE if present ZDP364, ZDP366, ZDP484, ZDP4865 CHANGE GRIDDLE ORIFICE if present 6 ADJUST BURNER FLAMESTemps d’installation - 1 à 3 heures Remarque à l’attention de l’installateurConsignes de sécurité AVANT DE COMMENCERPréparation de linstallation Consignes d’installationCaractéristiques TABLE DES MATIÈRESESPACES DE SÉPARATION SUPPLÉMENTAIRES AVERTISEMENTAVERTISEMENT Emplacements de raccord universelspanneau de commande OPTIONS DINSTALLATIONBord fini arrière du Bord arrièreEMPLACEMENT DES ALIMENTATIONS Préparation de l’installationOUTILS NÉCESSAIRES MATÉRIEL FOURNISORTEZ LAPPAREIL DE SON EMBALLAGE Ouverture découpée à faux-fond ÉTAPE 1 COUPEZ L’OUVERTURE DU PLAN DE TRAVAILAssurez-vous que le gaz est coupé ÉTAPE 2 INSTALLEZ LA TABLE DE CUISSONÉTAPE 3 RACCORDEZ LA TABLE DE CUISSON AU GAZ LISTE DE VÉRIFICATION POUR L’INSTALLATION TERMINEZ L’INSTALLATIONÉTAPE 5 VÉRIFIEZ LES BRÛLEURS ÉTAPE 4 RACCORDEZ AU RÉSEAU ÉLECTRIQUEINSTALLEZ LE DOSSERET 30 CM ACCESSOIRES EN OPTION-DOSSERET DE 30 CM 12 DE HAUTEURAVERTISSEMENT Ce dosseret OUTILS ET MATÉRIEL NÉCESSAIRESACCESSOIRES-DOSSERET AJUSTABLE 30-36 non fourni ZXADJB30PSS, ZXADJB36PSS, ZXADJB48PSS Installation d’accessoiresINSTALLEZ LES PANNEAUX DE SUPPORT MURAL AVERTISSEMENT Les panneauxINSTALLEZ LES PANNEAUX DE RECOUVREMENT suite INSTALLEZ LES PANNEAUX DE RECOUVREMENTOptez pour la méthode alternative si l’accès latéral est bloqué MÉTHODE ALTERNATIVE en cas d’obstruction de l’accès latéralConversion du propane au gaz naturel Conversion du gaz naturel au propane2 CONVERTIR LE RÉGULATEUR OUTILS DONT VOUS AUREZ BESOIN POUR LA CONVERSION4 CHANGEZ L’ORIFICE DU GRILL si installé Consignes d’installation pour la conversion de gaz3 CHANGEZ L’ORIFICE DU GRILL suite ORIFICES DE MIIJOTAGE ZDP3046 AJUSTEZ LES FLAMMES DU BRÛLEUR 5 CHANGEZ L’ORIFICE DE LA PLAQUE CHAUFFANTE si installéADVERTENCIA Información de seguridadCombinaciones de capuchas de ventilación PRECAUCIÓNCONTENIDOS Información de diseñoMODELOS DISPONIBLES ACCESORIOS PARA SALPICADEROESPACIOS ADICIONALES DIMENSIONES Y ESPACIOS DEL PRODUCTO PARA MODELOS DE 48”ADVERTENCIA Ubicaciones de los servicios públicos DIMENSIONES Y ESPACIOS DEL PRODUCTO PARA MODELOS DE 36”OPCIONES DE INSTALACIÓN HERRAMIENTAS REQUERIDAS Preparación para la instalaciónMATERIALES PROVISTOS MATERIALES REQUERIDOS NO PROVISTOSQUITE EL EMPAQUE Preparaciòn InstalaciónMantenga una distancia prudencial. Cuando se cortan, los extremos de los precintos de metal pueden golpearloAbertura de recorte con fondo falso InstalaciónPASO 1 CORTE LA ABERTURA DEL MOSTRADOR DE ENCIMERA PASO 3 CONECTE LA ESTUFA AL SUMINISTRO DE GAS PASO 2 INSTALE LA ESTUFAPASO 5 CONTROLE LOS QUEMADORES PASO 4 CONECTE LA ELECTRICIDADFINALICE LA INSTALACIÓN LISTA DE CONTROL DE LA INSTALACIÓNInstalación de accesorios ZX12B30PSS, ZX12B36PSS, ZX12B48PSS ANTES DE COMENZARACCESORIOS OPCIONALES - SALPICADERO ALTO DE 12” INSTALE EL SALPICADERO DE 12”ANTES DE COMENZAR ADVERTENCIA Los panelesACCESORIOS -SALPICADERO AJUSTABLE DE 30 A 36” no incluido INSTALELOSPANELESDESOPORTEDEPAREDINSTALE LOS PANELES DE CUBIERTA Instalación de accesorios ZXADJB30PSS, ZXADJB36PSS, ZXADJB48PSSINSTALE LOS PANELES DE CUBIERTA cont Ver el método alternativo si el acceso lateral se encuentra bloqueado2 CONVIERTA EL REGULADOR Conversión de gas natural a gas LP Conversión de gas LP a gas naturalHERRAMIENTAS NECESARIAS PARA LA CONVERSIÓN 3 CAMBIE LOS ORIFICIOS DE LOS QUEMADORES3 CAMBIE LOS ORIFICIOS DE LOS QUEMADORES cont Instrucciones de instalación para conversión de gas4 CAMBIE EL ORIFICIO DE LA PARRILLA si corresponde ZDP304 ORIFICIOS DE FUEGO LENTO5 CAMBIE EL ORIFICIO DE LA Ajuste la configuración de la hilera superior6 AJUSTE LAS LLAMAS DEL QUEMADOR PLANCHA si correspondePage Page GE Consumer & Industrial For Monogram local service in your area, callPara servicio técnico local Monogram en su área, llame al Appliances General Electric Company Louisville, KY 40225