Active charcoal filter
The prompt to change the active charcoal filter will occur approx. every 6 months.
When the display for an active charcoal filter change lights up red, the active charcoal filters must be changed.
Replacing the active charcoal filters
^Pull the retainer for the active charcoal filters up and off the shelf.
^Remove the two active charcoal filters and insert the new filters into the retainer with the encircling edge down.
^Place the retainer in the middle of the
rear limit stop of any shelf so that it engages.
To confirm the filter change,
^touch the display for an active charcoal filter change for approx. 2 seconds.
The display for an active charcoal filter change goes out and the timer is reset.
Changing the active charcoal filters at a later date
If you do not have any new active charcoal filters, you can order new ones from your Miele dealer. You can change the active charcoal filters at a later date.
If you are bothered by the red active charcoal filter change display, you can turn it off:
^touch the display for an active charcoal filter change for approx. 2 seconds.
The active charcoal filter change display goes out.