@äConversion to alternative types of gas
Replacing the small jet for the lowest Checking the first intake of air flame setting
Remove screw d from fitting c using an 8 mm spanner and a 12 mm spanner to counterhold.
Then remove the screw fitting c from b using a 12 mm spanner and a second 12 mm spanner to counter- hold.
Replace the restrictor e contained in section b with the correct restric- tor from the table of jets.
Turn the air sleeve f to adjust the two air vents g to the opening illustrated (2 mm).
Assemble removed parts in reverse order and check for leaks by opera- ting the wok burner without the cook- top cover in place (ignite the flame using a match).
bFastening screw
cAir sleeve
Gap X must be 13 mm for both natural and liquid gas.
If this is not the case, loosen the secur- ing screw,
Important note:
When reassembling, it is important to ensure that the profile b of the control panel should grip the appro- priate moulding c on the lower pro- tective casing.