Alto-Shaam MN-28656 manual Control Operation PR OG Rammi NG

Page 16





Alto-Sh aam Cook and Hold ovens allo w the operato r to set up to eigh t coo king progr ams. Each cookin g

progr am can be preset in any program

mode to coo k by time or inter nal prod uct temperatur e. Cooking

progr ams are recalled and stored using

the Preset Keys labe led "A throug h H." These keys , alon g with the key

labeled "I" share additional functions describ ed in the "Us er Option s" section of this guide.


Select the product to be progr ammed and begin with the oven control power OFF.


• The oven will

beep for one second and pow er to the unit will be indicated by an illuminated

gree n indicator

light loca ted in the upper lef t cor ner of the ON /OFF key.

The ove n will begin operating in the hold mode.

The amber hold indicator will be illu minated and the last set hold temperatu re will be displa yed .


• The green indi cator light on the COOK Key will illuminate.

• Last set cook ing temp era ture will be displ aye d.

To change the cook temperat ure, press the Up or Dow n Arrow key.



• Last set inter nal product tempe rat ure is displayed.

To chan ge the internal product temperat ure, press the Up or Down Arrow key.



• Last set time is displayed.

To change the cook time, press the Up or Down Arrow Key.


To change the hold tempe rat ure, press the Up or Down Arrow key.


Image 16
Contents LOW Temperature Cooki NG and Holding GUI Delines Low Temperature Cooking Introduction Cleaning and Maintenance Cooking GuidelineLow Temperatur e Cooking Fact s Low Temperatu re Cooking OperationLOW Temperature Cooking Introduction LOW Temperature Cooking Introduction Mea t play s a sign ific ant role in the dietTemperature at which meat is cooked Intern al temperature before cookingInternal temp eratu re of the meat Degree of aging on the meatLabor and Equipment Cost Reduction CO OK and Hold OVE NS LE C Tronic CO OK & H OLD Oven OP Tions & Accesso Ries HE AT RE COV ERY OV EN CH Arac Terist ICSStar T-UP Control Identification & Function AU Dible SIG Nals Used to erase a progr am from memory stor ageControl Identification & Function Oper ATI NG Feat Ures Beeper Volume Selection Control Operation CO OK by PR OBE Control Operation Cook by TI ME Control Operation PR OG Rammi NG Control Operation Prog Rammi NG Control Operation PR Ogra MM ING Press Prog Rammed Preset KEY DesiredPR ESS and RE LE AS E Start KEY Control Operation Gene RA L CO Oking Guid ELI NE S Control Operation Phone 800Cleaning & Maintenance Protect ING Stainl ESS Steel SurfacesClea Ning Agen TS Clea Ning Materi ALSCLE AN the Oven Daily CLE AN the EXT Erio R of TH E Cabin ETCHE CK Over ALL CON DI TI on OVE N Once a Mont H CHE CK the Cooling FAN Oven CON Trol AR EACOO KI NG Proc ED UR E Guideli NE IND EX Cooking Notes Beef Brisket PRO DUC T S PecificationsBee f Bri sket , Fresh 9 to 13 lb 4 to 6 kg I MU M HO Lding Time Required MA XI MU M HO LDI NG TIM EOV Erride a Llowanc BEE F ST RIP LoinIM U M H O Ldin G Time RE QU IR ED Maximum Holding Time Beef Short Ribs Overn Ight Cook & HoldDoor VEN TS Final INT Erna L TE Mperature After OverrideCorne D Beef Over RID E Period After OverrideMUS T do Overni GHT ONE-HAL F OP EN OV Erride LlowancHamburgers PRO DUC T S Pecifications Prepara TionND F OV Errid E Period ONE -HAL F OP EN After OverridePRI M E RIB ND F Over RID E Period After OverrideHigh ly Re com mended On e-Half Op en OV Erride Llowanc E 3 0FPRI ME RIB Special ND F OV Errid E Period Overnight Cook & Hold After OverrideCan be done with thi s cut 130F 54C OVE R RI DE Llow ANC E 30FRibey E Opti on al One-Half Op en130F 54C Over NIG HT Cook & Hold Optio nal 4 0F 22 CBeef Round Sma ll Cu ts Op ti on alOV Errid E Period Overnight Cook & Hold After Override 130F 54C Rec om me nde dBEE F RO UND Cafete RIA Steams HI P PRO DUC T S Peci Fications Prepara TionOver RID E Period MUS T Do Over ni ght One-H alf Op enTende Rloin ND F OV Errid E Period After OverrideNot Re comme nd ed On e-Half Op en OVE R RI DE Llow ANC E 40FVE AL LO Not Re co mme nd ed On e-Half pen140F 60 C Over NIG HT Cook & Hold Not Recom mende d RAR E 140F 60COver R ID E Allow a N CE Lamb LEGMI NI M UM HO Lding Time Require Maximum Holding LAM B Racks FRE Nched Final Inte Rnal Temp Erat URE After OverrideOVE R RI DE Llow ANC E 12F HAM, FreshAdd 30 minut es for each additi onal roast HAM , Cured and Smok ED PRO DUC T S Peci FicationsOV Erride Llowanc E 1 2F Add 30 minu tes for eac h addit ional hamLoin PO RKPork Loi n Bon ele ss, Tied 8 to 10 lb 4 to 5 kgOver NIG HT Cook PO RK Ribs2 Hours PO RK Chops Season as desired. Place chops side-by-side on sheet pansOVE R RI DE Llow ANC E 30F 17 CPork Shoulder, Boston Butt, Boneless 8 to 10 lb 4 to 5 kg PO RK S HoulderHigh ly Re com mended On e-Half Op en 165 to 170F 74 to 77C Sausage Op en Full160 F 7 1C OV E RR ID E a Llow ANC END F Over RID E Period Chicken BreastsOV Erride a Llowanc E Not Re comme nd ed OpenDOORFull VEN TS OP EN Full185 F 8 5C 18 5F 85 CChicken Whole Opti on al OpenDOORFull VentsOpen Fu ll 185F 85C Over NIG HT Cook & Hold Optio nal OV Erride AL LowanceCornish Hens END F Over Ride PeriodAfter Override OV ER RI DE Allowan C E 10F 6CDU CK , Whole Not Rec omm endedEND F Overr IDE PE Riod Over Ride Allow AN CE 20 F 1 1CPRO D UC T Specific TU Rkey WholePrepar ATI on TU Rkey Breast PRO D UC T Spec IficatOvern Ight Cook & Hold DOO R VentsTU Rkey Roll ATI ONS and Prepar ATI onTurkey Roll Hour To 8 HoursIs H , B Aked EN of Overr IDE PE Riod After OverrideOVE Rride Lowan INI MUM OLD I NG TI ME Requir Maximum Holding TimePRO DU C T Specifications SAL MON SteaksRID E Period After Override Over RI DETrout Over Nightdocookr VEN& HoldtsNo t Re com me nd ed One-Ha lf Op en 155 -1 60 F 6 8- 71 C OVE Rride a L Lowan CEEN F Ride Period PO TatoesOV E RR IDE Allowan CE UIC HE END F Override PE Riod After OverrideOver Night Cook & Hold N /NO a OVE Rride Allow AN CERI C E END F Over Ride Period After OverrideOV ER RI DE Allowan C E MI Nimu M H Oldi N G TI ME RE QU Ired MA Ximum Holding TimeBaked EGG Custard PRO D U CT SP ECI FIC AT IonsPrepa Ratio N Over Night Cook &DOHOLDR VEN TS ClosedDOOR VentsHE E T Cake PRO D U CT SP Ecific AtionsPrepa Ratio N Overni GHT Cook & HOLDn/aNoCheese Cake To 10 roundSpring form pans Sprin g form pans Spr ing form pans Open Fu ll Over Night Cook & Holdn /NoAFrozen FoodsOp en Ful l 150F 66C Mmend edFR Ozen Convenience Entr ÉE Pans Over Night Cook & HoldDoor Vents Final Internal TEM Perature After OverrideENC E Entr ÉE Pans 100 0 Seri ESRozen Convenience Portioned Entr ÉES PRO D UC T Spec Ificat I ONSFIN AL INT Ernal TE Mperat URE After Override MI NIM UM HO LDI NG TI ME Requir ED MA XI MUM Oldi NGMake Certain Product Reaches the Fully Heated Temperature To Cook by TimeDo not Allow the Product to Remain Place each ingredient on the lower half of the bread sliceApproximate pan capacity 24 cookiesper full-sizesheet pan CO OKI ESOpen Full Doughnuts PRO D UC T Specific ATI ONSPrepar ATI on Cooking Time to be SET 2-1/2 hoursDough Proofing Temperature to 90 to 100F 32 to 38CDo not press the Cook key Model OT E SCook in G Smok in G HO Lding Procedur ES LI GHT Smoke FlavorMED IUM Smoke Flavor HEA VY Smoke FlavorCOO KI NG SMO KI NG HO Lding Proce DU RE S Smoker O Peration Cook ING S Moking Holding PR OceduresSM Oked BEE F B RI SKE T Beef Brisket, Fresh To 13 lb 4 to 6 kgRoasts Up to 10 0 l b 45 kgMoked F RES H H AMS Pork Fres h H am 14 t oO 4 hams O 8 hamsFlat wire shelves Barbecue sauce can be added prior to serviceSM Oked POR K R IB S Closed OptionalMoked D UCK , Whole Duck, Who leCl osed Not Recom mend ed Duck s pe r sh elfSM Oked R KE Y Turkey Whol eTurk ey s Non eIME and Probe Temperature are Suggeste D Moked C ODPa ns To Vari Ations Product QualitySM Oked SAL MON No TEShe et p an She et p ansMoked S RI MP Closed Not Rec omm ende dCl os ed Re comm ende d SM Oked BEA NSNon e COL D SM OKE D SA Lmon Salmon Fill ets , Fre shSea Sa lt P ress the upCold SM OK ED S Almon Oven Must be AtroomCAU Tion General Holding Cabinet Operation Sansitationa NI TATIONand Handling Food SAF ETY Guideline S O K I N G N O T E S CO OK /HO LD /SE RVE SYS TE MS