Sub-Zero ICB700TFI, ICB700TCI T E G R AT E D Installation Instructions Panel Requirements

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Door and drawer panels must be a minimum of 16 mm thick.

The door panel cannot exceed 18 kg and each drawer panel must not exceed 5 kg for 686

mmwide units. For

914 mm wide units, the door panel weight limit is 24 kg and 7 kg for each drawer panel.


Once your Integrated unit is secured, the kickplate/grille can be installed. There is some adjustment to the mounting assembly so that this decorative piece can fit flush with the surrounding area. Refer to illustration 11 below.

Turn power back on to the electrical outlet.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The unit must be allowed to have ventilation through the fins of the kick- plate/grille. You may cover the solid area, but do not block the fins. The lower drawer panel may hang in front of the fins, but your base- board molding must not cover them.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The kickplate/grille must be removed for servicing. The floor cannot interfere with removal.

NOTE: The kickplate/grille can be painted another color, if you choose. Follow these easy steps:

Rough up the surface to be painted with fine grit sandpaper.

Wipe with alcohol to ensure that the surface is clean and dry.

Use an appliance or industrial grade, oil base, high gloss enamel paint.


The integrated design uses custom wood or other decorative panels and handles provided by the customer. Stainless steel panels

are available as sales accessories through your Sub-Zero dealer. To obtain local dealer infor- mation, visit our website,

Before beginning installation, check the panels for the proper fit and finish desired.

Door and drawer panels must be a minimum of 16 mm thick. The door panel cannot exceed 18 kg and each drawer panel must not exceed 5 kg for 686 mm wide units. For 914 mm wide units, the door panel weight limit is 24 kg and 7 kg for each drawer panel.

D-style pulls are recommended for handle hardware. Handles should be located on the opposite side from the hinge, centered on the cabinet door, and on the top center area of the drawer panel. Screw heads may have to be countersunk to ensure that the hardware does not interfere with the panels fitting flush with the unit's door or drawers.

It is recommended that the door panel of the tall unit be installed first and then the upper and lower drawer panels.

Illus. 11


Back Of Door Panel

Gap On Side

Edges Will Vary

According To


Bottom Of Template

Flush With Bottom

Of Door Panel

Illus. 12

Image 18
Contents Integrated Refrigeration Page G L I S H P Ã N O L A N Ç a I S TA L I a N O U T S C H N T E N T S Tools and Materials Required T E G R AT E D Installation RecommendationsS TA L L AT I O N Recommendations Site PreparationT E G R AT E D Installation Specifications Width 686 mm Height 2032 mm Depth 610 mmWidth 686 mm Height 2032 mm Depth 635 mm Width 914 mm Height 2032 mm Depth 610 mmWidth 914 mm Height 2032 mm Depth 635 mm Width 686 mm Height 876 mm Depth 610 mm Width 686 mm Height 876 mm Depth 635 mmT E G R AT E D Installation Instructions E C T R I C a L RequirementsT E G R AT E D Installation Specifications Accessories LU M B I N G RequirementsDoor and Drawer Panels Side Panels Panel DesignT E G R AT E D Installation Instructions Wood Floor Applications Concrete Floor Applications Mm Wide Units 343 mm 457 mmT I T I P Blocking Bracket T E G R AT E D Installation Instructions AccessoriesInstall Concrete Wedge Anchors S I T I O N the Unit S I T I on the Unit V E L the Unit L D I N G I N S TA L L AT I O N Quick Connect Water Valve T E G R AT E D Installation Instructions Panel Requirements C K P L AT E / G R I L L E InstallationPA N E L I N S TA L L AT I O N Door Panel Installation Protected surface to ensure that the front is notPA N E L Installation Drawer Panel InstallationUA L I N S TA L L AT I O N S E G R E E Door StopInstallation Checklist S TA L L AT I O N C H E C K L I S TR V I C E I N F O R M AT I O N N TAC T F O R M AT I O ND I C E Recomendaciones DE Instalación I N T E G R a B L E Herramientas Y MaterialesNecesarios Fondo 610 mm Especificaciones DE Instalación I N T E G R a B L EAnchura 686 mm Altura 032 mm Anchura 686 mm Altura 032 mm Fondo 635 mmAnchura 914 mm Altura 032 mm Fondo 610 mm Altura 032 mm Fondo 635 mmAnchura 686 mm Altura 876 mm Fondo 610 mm Anchura 686 mm Altura 876 mm Fondo 635 mmInstrucciones DE Instalación I N T E G R a B L E Requisitos E L É C T R I C O SRequisitos DE F O N T a N E R Í a Paneles DE LA Puerta Y LOS Paneles Laterales Cajones Diseño DEL PanelInstalación DEL S O P O RT E E N to T I V U E LCOAplicaciones EN Suelo DE Madera Hormigón T I V U E LC O Instrucciones DE Instalación I N T E G R a B L E AccesoriosSoporte DE Bloqueo Instalación DE Anclajes DE Expansión Para HormigónNivele la unidad antes de desplazarla para colo V E L a C I Ó N DE LA Unidad Instalación DE LA M O L D U R a Conexión a LA to M a D E a G UA Válvula DE Agua DE Conexión RápidaInstalación DEL Z Ó C a LO / R E J I L L a Instalación DEL PA N E LInstalación DEL Panel DE LA Puerta Instalación DE LOS Paneles DE LOS Cajones Tope DE Puerta a 9 0 G R a D O S S TA L a C I Ó N S TA D E CO M P R O BA C I Ó N DE LA InstalaciónLista DE Comprobación DE LA Lista DE Comprobación DE LAM I E N to Información Sobre EL M a N T E N I M I E N toInformación Sobre EL M a N T E Información DE ContactoTable DES Matieres T E G R a B L E S Recommandations D’INSTALLATION Preparation DE L’EMPLACEMENTOutils ET Materiaux Requis Profondeur 610 mm T E G R a B L E S Specifications D’INSTALLATIONLargeur 686 mm Hauteur 032 mm Profondeur 635 mmLargeur 914 mm Hauteur 032 mm Profondeur 610 mm Largeur 914 mm Hauteur 032 mm Profondeur 635 mmLargeur 686 mm Hauteur 876 mm Profondeur 610 mm Largeur 686 mm Hauteur 876 mm Profondeur 635 mmT E G R a B L E S Instructions D’INSTALLATION Configuration E L E C T R I Q U ET E G R a B L E S Specifications D’INSTALLATION Accessoires Configuration DE LA P L O M B E R I EPanneaux DE Porte ET DE Tiroir Panneaux Lateraux Modeles DE PanneauxInstallation DU Support B a L L a G E ET D E P L a C E M E N T D E ’ a P PA R E I LT I B a S C U L E M E N T SUR UN Plancher DE Bois SUR UN SOL EN BetonSupport a N T I B a S C U L E M E N T T E G R a B L E S Instructions D’INSTALLATION AccessoiresInstallation DES Ancrages a Cale Pour SOL EN Beton S E E N P L a C E DE L’APPAREILRemarque Importante Une fois l’appareil S E a N I V E AU DE L’APPAREIL Robinet DE Prise D’EAU a Raccord RapideInstallation DE L a P L I N T H E I L L E Pose DES P a N N E a UPose DES Panneaux DE Porte Remarque Importante Le gabaritPose DE Panneau DE Tiroir Installations C O N J O I N T E S R E T D E P O RT E a 90 DegresListe DE Controle S T E D E CO N T R O L E DE L’INSTALLATION’INSTALLATION Liste DE Controle DEN TAC T SUB-ZEROè un marchio depositato Sub-Zero, Inc Consigli PER L’INSTALLAZIONE I N T E G R a T a Attrezzi E Materiale RichiestiPreparazione DEL Sito Specifiche PER L’INSTALLAZIONE I N T E G R a T a Larghezza 686 mm Altezza 032 mm Profondità 635 mmAltezza 032 mm Profondità 610 mm Larghezza 914 mm Altezza 032 mm Profondità 635 mmLarghezza 686 mm Altezza 876 mm Profondità 610 mm Larghezza 686 mm Altezza 876 mm Profondità 635 mmIstruzioni PER L’INSTALLAZIONE I N T E G R a T a Collegamento E L E T T R I C OSpecifiche PER L’INSTALLAZIONE I N T E G R a T a Accessori Collegamento I D R I C OPannelli PER Porte E Cassetti Pannelli Laterali Design DEI PannelliT I R I B a L T a M E N T O Applicazione PER Pavimenti Legno Cemento Barra DI Blocco a N T I R I B a L T a N T O Istruzioni PER L’INSTALLAZIONE I N T E G R a T a AccessoriInstallazione DEI Tasselli PER Cemento S I Z I O N a M E N to DELL’UNITÀIstruzioni PER L’INSTALLAZIONE I N T E G R ATA Modanatura superiore Collegamento Rapido Della Valvola IdricaInstallazione D I Z O CCO LO I G L I a Installazione D E I PA N N E L LInstallazione DEL Pannello Della Porta Installazione DEI Pannelli PER Cassetti Installazioni D U a L R M a P O RTA DA 90 GradiCheck List PER L ’ Install a Z I O N E Check List PER L’INSTALLAZIONES I S T E N Z a Informazioni PER IL S E R V I Z I O D I a S S I S T E N Z aInformazioni PER IL S E R V I Z I O D Informazioni PER I ContattiVorsicht Empfehlungen ZUR Installation Gesamtabmessungen Breite 914 mm Höhe 032 mm Tiefe 610 mm 229 E K T R O V O R a U S S E T Z U N G E N VO R AU S S E T Z U N G E N FÜR DIE KO R P L AT T E N Um ein Abkippen des Geräts nach vorne zu H U T Z H a L T E R U N G S I T I O N I E R E N DES Geräts Stromzufuhr zur Steckdose unterbrechen Obere Leiste Anschluss DER WA S S E R L E I T U N G C K E L L E I S T E / G I T T E R Installation DER Türplatte 100 101 S TA L L AT I O N S C H E C K L I S T E R V I C E I N F O R M AT I O N E N SUB-ZERO, INC