Sub-Zero ICB700TCI Door Panel Installation, Protected surface to ensure that the front is not

Page 19



If you have questions, contact your Sub-Zero

dealer or cabinet supplier. Additional panel

information can be found in the Sub-Zero

Design Guide.


Remove the two pieces of mounting hardware

attached to the front of the door and set aside.

Place the door panel lying face down on a

protected surface to ensure that the front is not


606 mm* FOR 686 mm WIDE UNITS


835 mm* FOR 914 mm WIDE UNITS

37 mm*



scratched or damaged.


Position the plastic template provided flush with the lower edge of the door. Be sure you are following the exact location for the right- hand (RH) or left-hand (LH) door position. Refer to illustration 12 on page 18.



IMPORTANT NOTE: The template has two



usable sides, one side for the door and one for





the drawers. Make sure you use the proper



holes and side. Remember you are viewing the


door panel from the back side in illustration 12




on page 18.










132 mm



345 mm

570 mm

Once you have located the proper position for the bracket, mark the pilot holes, remove the template and drill pilot holes for mounting the bracket. It is best to start with a few holes, position the bracket, drill the remaining pilot holes and then secure the mounting bracket with the #8 x 12,7 mm screws provided. Illus- tration 13 shows the mounting hardware location for door and drawer panels.





























679 mm* FOR 686 mm WIDE UNITS 908 mm* FOR 914 mm WIDE UNITS



IMPORTANT NOTE: Dimensions in illustration

13 are based on a 3 mm reveal. A reveal of up to 6 mm is possible, but panel dimensions need to be adjusted accordingly.

Exercise caution when drilling holes for mounting hardware. This is especially critical with inset panels.

Illus. 13


Image 19
Contents Integrated Refrigeration Page G L I S H P Ã N O L A N Ç a I S TA L I a N O U T S C H N T E N T S Site Preparation T E G R AT E D Installation RecommendationsS TA L L AT I O N Recommendations Tools and Materials RequiredWidth 686 mm Height 2032 mm Depth 610 mm T E G R AT E D Installation SpecificationsWidth 686 mm Height 2032 mm Depth 635 mm Height 2032 mm Depth 610 mm Width 914 mmWidth 914 mm Height 2032 mm Depth 635 mm Width 686 mm Height 876 mm Depth 635 mm Width 686 mm Height 876 mm Depth 610 mmE C T R I C a L Requirements T E G R AT E D Installation InstructionsLU M B I N G Requirements T E G R AT E D Installation Specifications AccessoriesPanel Design Door and Drawer Panels Side PanelsT E G R AT E D Installation Instructions Mm Wide Units 343 mm 457 mm Wood Floor Applications Concrete Floor ApplicationsS I T I O N the Unit T E G R AT E D Installation Instructions AccessoriesInstall Concrete Wedge Anchors T I T I P Blocking BracketS I T I on the Unit V E L the Unit L D I N G I N S TA L L AT I O N Quick Connect Water Valve C K P L AT E / G R I L L E Installation T E G R AT E D Installation Instructions Panel RequirementsPA N E L I N S TA L L AT I O N Protected surface to ensure that the front is not Door Panel InstallationDrawer Panel Installation PA N E L InstallationE G R E E Door Stop UA L I N S TA L L AT I O N SS TA L L AT I O N C H E C K L I S T Installation ChecklistN TAC T F O R M AT I O N R V I C E I N F O R M AT I O ND I C E Herramientas Y Materiales Recomendaciones DE Instalación I N T E G R a B L ENecesarios Anchura 686 mm Altura 032 mm Fondo 635 mm Especificaciones DE Instalación I N T E G R a B L EAnchura 686 mm Altura 032 mm Fondo 610 mmAltura 032 mm Fondo 635 mm Anchura 914 mm Altura 032 mm Fondo 610 mmAnchura 686 mm Altura 876 mm Fondo 635 mm Anchura 686 mm Altura 876 mm Fondo 610 mmRequisitos E L É C T R I C O S Instrucciones DE Instalación I N T E G R a B L ERequisitos DE F O N T a N E R Í a Diseño DEL Panel Paneles DE LA Puerta Y LOS Paneles Laterales CajonesE N to T I V U E LCO Instalación DEL S O P O RT EAplicaciones EN Suelo DE Madera Hormigón Instalación DE Anclajes DE Expansión Para Hormigón Instrucciones DE Instalación I N T E G R a B L E AccesoriosSoporte DE Bloqueo T I V U E LC ONivele la unidad antes de desplazarla para colo V E L a C I Ó N DE LA Unidad Instalación DE LA M O L D U R a Válvula DE Agua DE Conexión Rápida Conexión a LA to M a D E a G UAInstalación DEL PA N E L Instalación DEL Z Ó C a LO / R E J I L L aInstalación DEL Panel DE LA Puerta Instalación DE LOS Paneles DE LOS Cajones Tope DE Puerta a 9 0 G R a D O S Lista DE Comprobación DE LA S TA D E CO M P R O BA C I Ó N DE LA InstalaciónLista DE Comprobación DE LA S TA L a C I Ó NInformación DE Contacto Información Sobre EL M a N T E N I M I E N toInformación Sobre EL M a N T E M I E N toTable DES Matieres Preparation DE L’EMPLACEMENT T E G R a B L E S Recommandations D’INSTALLATIONOutils ET Materiaux Requis Profondeur 635 mm T E G R a B L E S Specifications D’INSTALLATIONLargeur 686 mm Hauteur 032 mm Profondeur 610 mmLargeur 914 mm Hauteur 032 mm Profondeur 635 mm Largeur 914 mm Hauteur 032 mm Profondeur 610 mmLargeur 686 mm Hauteur 876 mm Profondeur 635 mm Largeur 686 mm Hauteur 876 mm Profondeur 610 mmConfiguration E L E C T R I Q U E T E G R a B L E S Instructions D’INSTALLATIONConfiguration DE LA P L O M B E R I E T E G R a B L E S Specifications D’INSTALLATION AccessoiresModeles DE Panneaux Panneaux DE Porte ET DE Tiroir Panneaux LaterauxB a L L a G E ET D E P L a C E M E N T D E ’ a P PA R E I L Installation DU SupportT I B a S C U L E M E N T SUR UN SOL EN Beton SUR UN Plancher DE BoisS E E N P L a C E DE L’APPAREIL T E G R a B L E S Instructions D’INSTALLATION AccessoiresInstallation DES Ancrages a Cale Pour SOL EN Beton Support a N T I B a S C U L E M E N TRemarque Importante Une fois l’appareil S E a N I V E AU DE L’APPAREIL Raccord Rapide Robinet DE Prise D’EAU aPose DES P a N N E a U Installation DE L a P L I N T H E I L L ERemarque Importante Le gabarit Pose DES Panneaux DE PortePose DE Panneau DE Tiroir R E T D E P O RT E a 90 Degres Installations C O N J O I N T E SListe DE Controle DE S T E D E CO N T R O L E DE L’INSTALLATION’INSTALLATION Liste DE ControleN TAC T SUB-ZEROè un marchio depositato Sub-Zero, Inc Attrezzi E Materiale Richiesti Consigli PER L’INSTALLAZIONE I N T E G R a T aPreparazione DEL Sito Larghezza 686 mm Altezza 032 mm Profondità 635 mm Specifiche PER L’INSTALLAZIONE I N T E G R a T aLarghezza 914 mm Altezza 032 mm Profondità 635 mm Altezza 032 mm Profondità 610 mmLarghezza 686 mm Altezza 876 mm Profondità 635 mm Larghezza 686 mm Altezza 876 mm Profondità 610 mmCollegamento E L E T T R I C O Istruzioni PER L’INSTALLAZIONE I N T E G R a T aCollegamento I D R I C O Specifiche PER L’INSTALLAZIONE I N T E G R a T a AccessoriDesign DEI Pannelli Pannelli PER Porte E Cassetti Pannelli LateraliT I R I B a L T a M E N T O Applicazione PER Pavimenti Legno Cemento S I Z I O N a M E N to DELL’UNITÀ Istruzioni PER L’INSTALLAZIONE I N T E G R a T a AccessoriInstallazione DEI Tasselli PER Cemento Barra DI Blocco a N T I R I B a L T a N T OIstruzioni PER L’INSTALLAZIONE I N T E G R ATA Modanatura superiore Valvola Idrica Collegamento Rapido DellaInstallazione D E I PA N N E L L Installazione D I Z O CCO LO I G L I aInstallazione DEL Pannello Della Porta Installazione DEI Pannelli PER Cassetti R M a P O RTA DA 90 Gradi Installazioni D U a LCheck List PER L’INSTALLAZIONE Check List PER L ’ Install a Z I O N EInformazioni PER I Contatti Informazioni PER IL S E R V I Z I O D I a S S I S T E N Z aInformazioni PER IL S E R V I Z I O D S I S T E N Z aVorsicht Empfehlungen ZUR Installation Gesamtabmessungen Breite 914 mm Höhe 032 mm Tiefe 610 mm 229 E K T R O V O R a U S S E T Z U N G E N VO R AU S S E T Z U N G E N FÜR DIE KO R P L AT T E N Um ein Abkippen des Geräts nach vorne zu H U T Z H a L T E R U N G S I T I O N I E R E N DES Geräts Stromzufuhr zur Steckdose unterbrechen Obere Leiste Anschluss DER WA S S E R L E I T U N G C K E L L E I S T E / G I T T E R Installation DER Türplatte 100 101 S TA L L AT I O N S C H E C K L I S T E R V I C E I N F O R M AT I O N E N SUB-ZERO, INC