Whirlpool 2302309 Left-Hand Swing to Right-Hand Swing, Replace Doors and Hinges, Final Steps

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7.Position refrigerator handle on opposite side of the refrigerator door as shown in Graphic 14. Drive top two screws in handle first. Align lower portion of handle and drive bottom screw.

8.Align refrigerator bottom trim. For Style 1, slide trim into place. See Graphic 13. For Style 2, replace the door handle screw cover. See Graphic 14.

9.On the bottom of the refrigerator door, move the wire/tube assembly so the connector points toward the opposite (bottom-hinge) side. See Graphic 2.

10.Locate the water dispenser wire/tube assembly behind the left-hand side of the bottom rail. Break the tape and pull the loose end out from the bottom rail. See Graphic 15.

11.Unscrew the hose clip from the right-hand side of the bottom rail and remove it. Replace the hose clip (with the tab pointing down) on the left-hand side wire/tube assembly. See Graphic 17.

IMPORTANT: Do not completely tighten the hose clip to the bottom rail at this time.

12.Connect the right-hand side dispenser wire/tube assembly to the connectors located near the right-hand side of the water filter. Push the connectors and wire/tube assembly behind the bottom rail. See Graphic 15.

13.Go to “Replace Doors and Hinges.”

Left-Hand Swing to Right-Hand Swing

If the refrigerator doors have already been reversed to left-hand swing and you wish to change to a right-hand swing, follow these steps. Some graphics may be reversed.

1.Remove refrigerator handle bottom trim. For Style 1, slide trim down as shown in Graphic 13. For Style 2, remove the handle screw cover. See Graphic 14.

2.Remove refrigerator handle assembly as shown. Keep all parts together. See Graphic 14.

3.Remove door hinge hole plug from refrigerator door. Move to opposite side hinge hole as shown in Graphic 9.

4.Remove door handle sealing screws. Move to opposite side of refrigerator door as shown in Graphic 10.

5.Remove door handle seal screw front. Move to opposite side of refrigerator door as shown in Graphic 12.

6.Remove door stop. Move to opposite side of refrigerator door as shown in Graphic 11.

7.Position refrigerator handle on opposite side of the refrigerator door as shown in Graphic 14. Drive top two screws in handle first. Align lower portion of handle and drive bottom screw.

8.On the bottom of the refrigerator door, move the wire/tube assembly so the connector points toward the opposite (bottom-hinge) side. See Graphic 2.

9.Push the left-hand side dispenser wire/tube assembly behind the bottom rail. It will not be reconnected. See Graphic 15.

10.Unscrew the hose clip from the left-hand side of the bottom rail and remove it. Replace the hose clip (with the tab pointing down) on the right-hand side wire/tube assembly. See Graphic 17.

IMPORTANT: Do not completely tighten the hose clip to the bottom rail at this time.

11.Disconnect the dispenser tubing and wiring plug from the connectors located near the right-hand side of the water filter. Push the wiring plug and connector tube behind the bottom rail. They will not be reconnected. The wire/tube assembly will reconnect later with the door. See Graphic 15.

12.Go to “Replace Doors and Hinges.”

Replace Doors and Hinges

NOTE: Graphic may be reversed if door swing is reversed.

1.Assemble the parts for the bottom hinge as shown. Tighten screws. See Graphic 6.

2.Replace the refrigerator door.

NOTE: Provide additional support for the doors while the hinges are being moved. Do not depend on the door magnets to hold the doors in place while you are working.

3.Remove the ⁵⁄₁₆" hex-head screw from the center rail. Loosen the two screws on the side just enough to replace the center hinge. Replace the center hinge. Replace the center rail screw and tighten all screws. See Graphic 5.

4.Reconnect the wiring plug. See Graphic 3.

5.Reconnect the water dispenser tubing by pushing the tubing into the fitting until it stops and the black mark touches the face of the red outer ring. See Graphic 16.

6.Carefully push the wire/tube assembly into the clips on the bottom of the refrigerator door. See Graphic 2.

7.Replace the freezer door.

8.Assemble the parts for the top hinge as shown. Do not tighten completely. See Graphic 4.

9.Line up the doors so that the bottom of the freezer door aligns evenly with the top of the refrigerator door. Tighten all screws.

10.Open the refrigerator door a full 120°. Locate the black electrical tape on the wire/tube assembly. Make sure the hose clip is covering the tape and tighten the hose clip completely. See Graphic 17.

Final Steps

1.Check all holes to make sure that hole plugs and screws are in place. Reinstall top hinge cover. See Graphic 4.

2.If the door swing is reversed, remove the bottom hinge cover from the left-hand side of the base grille and replace it on the opposite side. Replace the base grille. See Graphic 1.

3.Plug in refrigerator or reconnect power.

4.Turn on the water supply to the refrigerator.

NOTE: Make sure the water dispenser tube connections, at the bottom of the refrigerator door, are fully tightened.

5.Flush the water system. See “Water Filtration System.”

6.If the dispenser light is not working, recheck the wiring plug connection.

7.Return all removable door parts to doors and food to refrigerator.


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Contents Refrigerator USE & Care Guide AccessoriesBefore You Throw Away Your Old Refrigerator or Freezer Refrigerator SafetyLocationRequirements Installation InstructionsClean Before Using UnpacktheRefrigeratorRecommended Grounding Method Electrical RequirementsWater Supply Requirements ConnecttheWater SupplyConnect to Refrigerator StyleIimportant RefrigeratorDoors-StandardFreezer Door Right-Hand Swing to Left-Hand SwingReplace Doors and Hinges Left-Hand Swing to Right-Hand SwingFinal Steps Door Removal Replacement RefrigeratorDoors-Contour Left-Hand Swing to Right-Hand Swing Door Removal Replacement Refrigerator USE AdjusttheDoorsUsingtheControls CONDITION/REASON AdjustmentIceMaker CrisperHumidityControlWater Dispenser WaterFiltrationSystem Changing theLightBulbs TroubleshootingCleaning Refrigerator CareDoors will not close completely TemperatureandMoistureTemperature is too warm IceandWaterKink in the water source line? Straighten the water source Water dispenser will not operate properlyRecently changed water filter? Flush the water system. See 15 mg/L † Product Data SheetsApplication Guidelines/Water Supply Parameters Model WF-NLC120V Capacity 120 Gallons 454 Liters ONE-YEAR Full Warranty on Refrigerator Whirlpool Refrigerator WarrantyWhirlpool Corporation will not pay for Accesorios Seguridad DEL RefrigeradorPida la pieza No L200V / NL120V / NLC120V DesempaqueelRefrigerador Instrucciones DE InstalaciónAntes de tirar su viejo refrigerador o congelador Método de conexión a tierra recomendado Requisitos deubicaciónRequisitoseléctricos Requisitosdelsuministro de aguaImportante Conexióndelsuministro de aguaSuministro de agua de ósmosis inversa EstiloAbra la válvula de cierre Puertas del refrigerador-EstándarCómo quitar las puertas y las bisagras Apertura hacia la derecha a apertura hacia la izquierda Puerta del congeladorCambio del sentido de apertura de las puertas opcional Cómo volver a poner las puertas y las bisagras en su lugar Apertura hacia la izquierda a apertura hacia la derechaPasos finales Cambio del sentido de apertura de las puertas opcional Puertas del refrigerador-Contorneada Apertura hacia la izquierda a apertura hacia la derecha Cómo quitar y volver a poner la puerta en su lugar Usodelos controles AjustelaspuertasDespachadordeagua FábricadehieloCONDICIÓN/MOTIVO Ajuste El bloqueo del despachador Cómo despachar aguaCómo quitar y volver a colocar la paleta del despachador La luz del despachadorPara limpiar su refrigerador SistemadefiltracióndeaguaLimpieza CómocambiarlosfocosHieloyagua Solución DE ProblemasFuncionamientodelrefrigerador Temperaturay humedadEl agua del despachador está tibia Nota Esto es una indicación de baja presión de aguaNota El agua del despachador se enfría solamente a 50F 10C Pautas de aplicación/Parámetros para el suministro de agua Hoja DE Datos DEL ProductoModelo WF-NLC120V Capacidad de 120 galones 454 litros Garantía Total POR UN AÑO Para EL Refrigerador Garantía DEL Refrigerador WhirlpoolWhirlpool Corporation no pagará por Sécurité DU Réfrigérateur AccessoiresAu Canada, pour installation et service, appeler le Commander la pièce N 4396701 L200V / NL120V / NLC120VDéballagedu réfrigérateur Instructions DinstallationAvant de jeter votre vieux réfrigérateur ou congélateur Spécifications del’alimentationen eau SpécificationsdemplacementMéthode recommandée de mise à la terre Spécifications électriquesRaccordement à une canalisation d’eau Raccordementdelacanalisation deauAlimentation en eau par osmose inverse Pression de leauDémontage Portes et charnières Portes duréfrigérateur-StandardOuverture vers la droite à ouverture vers la gauche Porte du congélateurInversion des portes facultatif Ouverture vers la gauche à ouverture vers la droite Réinstallation Portes et charnièresÉtapes finales Inversion du sens douverture des portes facultatif Portesduréfrigérateur-Contour Ouverture vers la gauche à ouverture vers la droite Anneau rouge extérieur Utilisation DU Réfrigérateur Utilisationdes commandesAjustementdesportes CONDITION/RAISON Ajustement Réglagedelhumiditédans lebacà légumesMachineàglaçons DistributeurdeauVerrouillage du distributeur Dépose et réinstallation de la palette du distributeurDistribution deau Lumière du distributeurNettoyage Remplacementdes ampoules d’éclairageEntretien DU Réfrigérateur SystèmedefiltrationdeleauGlaçons eteau DépannageFonctionnementduréfrigérateur TempératureethumiditéSecondes après avoir relâché le levier du distributeur Remplacer le filtre ou réinstaller correctementRemarque Cela indique une faible pression de leau Heures pour la fabrication de nouveaux glaçonsSystème de filtration d’eau à la grille de la base Feuilles DE Données SUR LE ProduitModèle WF-NLC120V Capacité 120 gallons 454 litres Whirlpool Corporation ne paiera pas pour Service désignée par Whirlpool Canada Inc. ou composer leGarantie DU Réfrigérateur Whirlpool Garantie Complète DE UN AN DU Réfrigérateur