Pan Size
On electric cooktops, match the size of the pan to the coil element or indicated cooking area. ldeally, the pan should not extend more than
On gas cooktops, adjust the burner flame so it does not extend beyond the
edge of the pan. This is for safety reasons and also to save energy.
Do not use oversized pans or pans that rest across two elements or burners. These may transfer heat to the porcelain cooktop which causes cracking or chip- ping. Likewise, on ceramic glass cooktops oversized pans (more than 1" beyond indicatedcooking area) lengthen cooking times.
Home Canning
ing times may be extended and cooktops may be damaged. For best results, use a canner not more than 1"
larger than the cooking area on a co- ramic glass surface and not more than 2" larger than a coil element or gas
When canning, use the High setting just until the water comes to a boil or pressure is reached in the pressure canner, then reduce to the lowest heat setting that maintains the boil or pres- sure. If the heat is not turned down, the cooktop may be damaged.
For more information on canning pro- cedures, contact your local county Ex-
tension Office.
Heat Settings
It is better to select a lower setting and
increaseto a higher one later if needed. There are many factors that affect the choice of the heat setting.
Keepinmindthatfooddeesnotcook anyfasteratahighersettingorflame size than that which maintains a
gentle boil. Water boils at the same temperature, whether boiling vigor- ously or gently. If too high a setting
is used, food may burn on the bot- tom before it is completely cooked.