Volume 9: Managing the Blue Coat SG Appliance
2.In the Restart field, select either Software only or Hardware and software.
3.If you select the Hardware and software option, select a system from the System to run
The default system is
4.Click Apply.
5.Click Restart now.
6.Click OK to confirm and restart the SG appliance.
Related CLI Syntax to Configure the Hardware/Software Restart Settings
SGOS#(config) restart mode {hardware software}
SGOS# restart abrupt
SGOS# restart regular
SGOS# restart upgrade
Restoring System Defaults
SGOS allows you to restore some or all of the system defaults. Use these commands with caution. The
Settings that are deleted when you use the
❐All IP addresses (these must be restored before you can access the Management Console again).
❐DNS server addresses (these must be restored through the CLI before you can access the Management Console again).
❐Installable lists.
❐All customized configurations.