Chapter 3: Maintaining the SG Appliance
This chapter describes how to maintain the SG appliance; for example, restarting the appliance, restoring system defaults, upgrading the appliance, and reinitializing disks.
This chapter contains the following sections:
❐“Restarting the SG Appliance” on page 33
❐“Restoring System Defaults” on page 34
❐“Clearing the DNS Cache” on page 36
❐“Clearing the Object Cache” on page 36
❐“Clearing the Byte Cache” on page 37
❐“Clearing Trend Statistics” on page 37
❐“Upgrading the SG Appliance” on page 37
❐“Managing SG Appliance Systems” on page 40
❐“Disk Reinitialization” on page 43
❐“Deleting Objects from the SG Appliance” on page 44
Restarting the SG Appliance
The restart options control the restart attributes of the SG appliance if a restart is required because of a system fault.
Important: The default settings of the Restart option suits most systems. Changing them without assistance from Blue Coat Systems Technical Support is not recommended.
Hardware and Software Restart Options
The Restart settings determine if the SG appliance does a faster
The default setting of Software only suits most situations. Restarting both the hardware and software is recommended in situations where a hardware fault is suspected.
For information about the Core Image settings, see “Core Image Restart Options” on page 57.
Note: If you change restart option settings and you want them to apply to the next SG appliance restart, click Apply.
To restart the SG appliance:
1.Select Maintenance > System and disks > Tasks.