After setting the number of repeats, drag the Repeat Steps icon into the Macro Window. Then drag the command to be repeated into the bracket connected to the Repeat command (see Figure 62, on page 41).
Toggle IR Code
The Toggle IR Code command (see Figure 63) causes a button to alternate between two different IR commands each time the button is pressed. This is useful for controlling a component with a button that uses a toggle code, such as a CD player with a single PLAY/PAUSE button.
After dragging the Toggle IR Code icon into the Macro Window, drag the two IR commands you want the button to toggle between into the bracket connect- ed to the Toggle IR Code command (see Figure 64).
Icon Into
Figure 63:
Toggle IR Code Window
Drag Commands
into Toggle Bracket
Figure 64:
Drag Commands Into Bracket
Controlling the C4630 SE via RS-232 (Inbound Serial Control)
In addition to issuing
NOTE: The C4630 SE is capable of one - directional serial operation (either INBOUND OR OUTBOUND) ONLY. Placing a single RS - 232 command in any macro will automatically conf igure the C4630 SE as an OUTBOUND serial control unit that will not respond to
To allow the C4630 SE to be controlled by a
C4630 SE Inbound Serial Protocol (fixed)
Baud Rate = 19200 ; Data Bits = 8; Parity = None ; Stop Bits = 1; Flow Control = None