8.9 Breakaway Action
The machine is fitted with a hydraulic breakaway device which protects the structure of the machine should an unforeseen obstacle be encountered.
NOTE: The breakaway function does not relieve the operator of his responsibility to drive carefully, be alert and AVOID OBVIOUS HAZARDS BEFORE CONTACT OCCURS.
Breakaway may occur momentarily during normal work should an extra thick or dense patch of vegetation be encountered. In these instances, tractor forward motion may be maintained with care. Where breakaway has occurred as a result of contacting a post, tree, etc., the tractor must be halted and the controls of the machine utilized to maneuver the head away from the obstacle. NEVER CONTINUE FORWARD MOTION TO DRAG THE HEAD AROUND THE OBSTACLE IN BREAKBACK POSITION.
NOTE: The force required to activate the breakaway system will vary dependent upon the gradient of work. It will require less force when working uphill and vice versa.
8.10 High Voltage Cables
Always keep a careful lookout and use extreme care when working around overhead obstructions. Never allow the Mower head or boom within 10 feet of any power line. When working close to overhead power lines consult your electric company for a safe code of operation.
Depending on the voltage of the cables and the weather conditions there is a danger of electric flashover if the head or arms approach the cables too closely.
Always maintain a minimum clearance distance of 10’ when operating near high voltage cables.
RMB 1445 11/10 | Operation Section |
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