Specifications (All)
| Deck Size (in / cm) |
| 22 / 56 |
| Height of Cut (in / cm) |
| 1.25 - 4.00 / 3,18 - 10,16 |
| Transmission Type |
| Variable Speed/Gear |
| Ground Speed (mph / kph) |
| 0 - 4 / 0 - 6,4 |
| Blade Torque |
| for | 40 / 54 |
Engine |
| ||
| Gross Engine Power * |
| 7.25 | |
| Engine Displacement (cc) |
| 190 | |
| Fuel Tank Capacity (qt / l) | Not | 1.0 / 0,95 | |
| Oil Capacity (oz / l) | 18 - 20 / 0,54 - 0,59 | ||
| Spark Plug Gap (in / mm) |
| 0.020 / 0,50 | |
| Spark Plug Torque |
| 180 / 20 | |
Net power values are taken with exhaustReproductionand air cleaner installed whereas gross power values are collected without these
* Power Ratings: The gross power rating for individual gas engine models is labeled in accordance with SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) code J1940 (Small Engine Power & Torque Rating Procedure), and rating performance has been obtained and corrected in accordance with SAE J1995 (Revision
attachments. Actual gross engine power will be higher than net engine power and is affected by, among other things, ambi- ent operating conditions and