Briggs & Stratton 136200, 135200, 133200, 134200, 137200 owner manual Symbols

Page 2

How To Use Manual Figures

Engine Components (see fig. ¡)



¡-- ¨refer to figures inside covers.







This safety alert symbol indicates that this message





xxxx xx


involves personal safety. Words danger, warning








Rope handle



and caution indicate degree of hazard. Death,








personal injury and/or property damage may occur





Fuel tank




unless instructions are followed carefully.


-- refer to engine components in figure ¡.






-- žrefer to part/action in figures.



Stop switch



You are not ready to operate this engine if you




Fuel fill













have not read and understood the following safety

A --


D refer to service parts inside front cover.


Air cleaner




items. Read this entire owner/operator manual





and the operating instructions of the equipment








Muffler guard/Muffler



this engine powers.









Spark plug




Remove spark plug wire and ground it (disconnect








Oil fill/Dipstick



battery at negative terminal, if engine has electric

Record your engine Model, Type and Code numbers

10 Oil GARD, if equipped


starting system) when servicing or adjusting


engine or equipment.


here for future use.




Finger guard



DO NOT run engine in an enclosed area.







12 Carburetor










13 Spark arrester, if equipped


(Exhaust gases contain carbon monoxide, an








odorless and deadly poison.)

Record your date of purchase here for future use.

14 Oil filler plug





15 Drain plug




DO NOT remove fuel tank cap nor fill fuel tank
















16 Oil level




while engine is hot or running. DO NOT refuel










indoors or in an unventilated area. (Allow engine







17 12V electric starter, if equipped


to cool 2 minutes before refueling.)

Safety Precautions


DO NOT run engine in an enclosed area. (Exhaust

DO NOT operate engine without a muffler. Inspect







gases contain carbon monoxide, an odorless and

periodically and replace if worn or leaking. If engine is







deadly poison.)




equipped with muffler deflector, inspect periodically and,







DO NOT place hands or feet near moving or rotating parts.

if necessary, replace with correct deflector.)







DO NOT store, spill, or use gasoline near an open

DO NOT operate engine with an

accumulation of







flame, nor near an appliance like a stove, furnace, or

grass, leaves or other combustible

material under,







water heater that uses a pilot light or can create a







around or behind muffler/converter.






















DO NOT touch hot muffler, cylinder, or fins which can







DO NOT refuel indoors or in an unventilated area.







cause burns.


The Briggs & Stratton engine you bought with your

DO NOT remove fuel tank cap nor fill fuel tank while


DO NOT use this engine on any forest covered, brush

equipment is made of the finest material in a state-of-

engine is hot

or running. (Allow engine to cool 2

covered, or grass covered unimproved land unless a

the-art manufacturing facility. Please understand that

minutes before refueling.)





spark arrester is installed on muffler. Spark arrester

Briggs & Stratton sells engines to original equipment

DO NOT operate or tip engine/equipment at such a

manufacturers. It also sells to others in the distribution

severe angle that causes gasoline spillage.

must be maintained in effective working order by owner

chain who may sell to the ultimate consumer, an

DO NOT operate engine if gasoline is spilled or when

and/or operator.


equipment manufacturer, another distributor or a

smell of gasoline is present or other explosive condi-

DO NOT start engine with air cleaner or air cleaner

dealer. As a result, Briggs & Stratton does not

tions exist. (Move equipment away from spill and avoid

cover removed.


necessarily know the application on which the engine

any ignition until gasoline has evaporated.)


will be placed. For that reason, you should carefully

DO NOT transport engine with fuel in tank or with fuel

spark plug wire and grounding it when servicing engine

read and understand the operating instructions of the

shut-off valve open.



or equipment. Disconnect negative wire from battery

equipment on which your engine is placed before you

DO NOT move choke control to CHOKE to stop engine.

terminal if equipped with electric starting system.

operate it.




DO NOT tamper with governor springs, links or other

KEEP cylinder fins and governor parts free of dirt,

You should also understand that there are equipment

parts to increase engine speed. (Run engine at speed

grass and other debris which can affect engine speed.


for which

Briggs & Stratton

does not

set for equipment manufacturer.)



PULL starter cord slowly until resistance is felt. Then



use of its

engines. Briggs

& Stratton

DO NOT check for spark with spark plug removed. (Use

pull cord rapidly to avoid kickback and prevent hand or

engines are not to be used on vehicles with less than 4

an approved tester.)





arm injury.


wheels. They include motor bikes, aircraft products and

DO NOT crank engine with spark plug removed. (If


USE fresh gasoline. Stale fuel can gum carburetor and

All Terrain Vehicles. Moreover, Briggs & Stratton does

engine is flooded, place throttle in FAST and crank until

cause leakage.


not approve of its engines being used in competitive

engine starts.)








CHECK fuel lines and fittings frequently for cracks or


DO NOT strike flywheel with a hammer or hard object


as this may cause flywheel to shatter in operation. (Use

leaks. Replace if necessary.


THESE APPLICATIONS. Failure to follow this warning

correct tools to service engine.)


Use only Genuine Briggs & Stratton Parts or their

could result in death, serious injury (including paralysis)

DO NOT run engine if equipment is not stable and

equivalent. The use of replacement parts which are

or property damage.



tipping can occur. Mount equipment to a stable base.

not of equivalent quality may damage the engine.


Image 2
Contents Operator/Owner Manual Symbols Fuel Recommendations Maintenance see figs. §¨ About Your Engine Warranty SimboliCR Kako koristiti ilustracije PriruènikuDijelovi motora vidi sliku ¡ Motor Model Tip Broj XxxxxxMjere sigurnosti Pokretanje motora Preporuke u vezi uljaPreporuke u vezi goriva Zaustavljanje vidi sliku ¤Odravanje vidi sliku §¨ Odravanje, nastavakPlan odravanja Zamijenite ulje. Vidi poglavlje Servisiranje ulja SkladitenjeServisiranje Vidi slikuOgranièeno Jamstvo Jamstvu za va motorNepravilno odravanje Trajanje Jamstva SAD I Kanadi Izvan SAD I Kanade Motori265.700 197.422 Souèásti motoru viz obr. ¡ SymbolyCZJak pouívat obrázky v pøíruèce Motor Model Typ Kód XxxxxxBezpeènostní opatøení Spoutìní motoru Doporuèení tkající se olejeDoporuèení tkající se benzínu Zastavení viz obr. ¤Údrba viz obr. §¨ Pokraèování údrbyHarmonogram údrby Viz obrSkladování ServisOmezená Záruka Záruka na Vá motorNedostateèná údrba Symbols Fuel Recommendations Maintenance see figs. §¨ About Your Engine Warranty Kézikönyv ábráinak használataMotoralkatrészek lásd ¡ábra SzimbólumokHBiztonsági óvórendszabályok Beszabályozások lásd ¥ábra Javasolt olajok lásd ábraAjánlott üzemanyagok Indítás lásd ¡¢£ábraKarbantartási ütemterv Karbantartás lásd §¨ábraKarbantartás folyt Briggs & Stratton Gasoline Additive B adalékot TárolásSzerviz Korlátozott Garancia Motor garanciájárólHelytelen karbantartás 265.700 197.422 Czêœci skadowe silnika SymbolePLJak korzystaæ z rysunków zamieszczonych w instrukcji obsugi Patrz rys. ¡Stratton Stosowanie Czêœci Nie Œrodki ostro¿noœciBriggs & STRATTON. Zlekcewa¿enie tych Uruchamianie patrz rys. ¡¢£ Zalecenia dotyczce olejuZalecenia dotyczce paliwa Zatrzymywanie silnikaPlan konserwacji Konserwacja patrz rysKonserwacja cd Regulacje patrz rys. ¥Po ka¿dych 100 godzinach pracy lub co sezon PrzechowywanieObsuga Ograniczenia Gwarancyjne Informacje o warunkach gwarancji Twojego silnikaNiewaœciwa konserwacja 265.700 197.422 Coperta Pãrile componente ale SimboluriROMotorului vezi fig. ¡ Motor Model Tip Cod XxxxxxInstruciuni de protecie Rele Briggs & Stratton NU Sunt AURecomandãri pentru ulei Recomandãri pentru combus- tibilGrafic de întreinere Întreinere vezi fig. §¨Întreinere continuare Service DepozitarePerioada DE Garanie Referitor la Garania Motorului DumneavoastrãGaranie Limitatã Motoare265.700 197.422 Îáîçíàåíèÿ Êàê èñïîëüçîâàòü èñóíêèÊîìïîíåíòû äâèãàòåëÿ ñì. èñ. ¡ Äâèãàòåëü Ìîäåëü Òèï Êîä Xxxxxx xxxx xxÌåû áåçîïàñíîñòè Âûêëåíèå ñì. èñ. ¤ Åêîìåíäàöèè ïî èñïîëüçîâàíèÅêîìåíäàöèè ïî èñïîëüçîâàíè òîïëèâà SAE ñì. èñ Åãóëèîâêà ñì. èñ. ¥Îáñëóæèâàíèå ñì. èñ. §¨ Ñì. èñ. CÕàíåíèå Îáñëóæèâàíèå, ïîäîëæåíèåÃàôèê îáñëóæèâàíèÿ Òåõíèåñêîå îáñëóæèâàíèåÍÀ Òåèòîèè ÑØÀ È Êàíàäû ÂÍÅ Òåèòîèè ÑØÀ È Êàíàäû Äâèãàòåëè Îòíîøåíèè ãààíòèè íà Âàø äâèãàòåëüÎÃÀÍÈÅÍÍÀß ÃÀÀÍÒÈß 265.700 197.422 SimboliSL Pomen simbolov v priroènikuSestavni deli motorja Glejte sliko ¡Varnostni ukrepi Priporoèila za uporabo olja Priporoèila za gorivoVzdrevanje glejte sliko §¨ Pogoji za vzdrevanjeShema vzdrevanja Spravilo Krije naslednjih okvar Podatki o garanciji vaega motorjaNeustrezno vzdrevanje Omejena Garancija265.700 197.422
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