Security Camera
Bosch Appliances
Security Camera
Bosch Appliances
VG4 manual
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Table of Contents
1 VG4 Firmware Updates via a TCP/IP Network
1.1 Determining the IP Communications Module
1.2 Upgrading the IP AutoDome
1.3 Upgrading the VG4 100 Series AutoDome
1.4 Determining Minimum Requirements (200, 300, 500i Series)
1.4.1 Supporting Software Requirements
1.4.2 Selecting the Service Pack
1.5 Beginning the Firmware Update Process
1.6 Updating VG4 100 Series IP AutoDome Firmware
1.7 Updating VG4 200, 300 or 500i Series IP AutoDome Firmware
1.7.1 Order to Upload Files
1.7.2 Selecting and Uploading Firmware Files
1.7.3 Alternate Language Option
1.7.4 Changing the VG4 AutoDome OSD Language
2 VG4 Firmware Updates via the CTFID
2.1 Upgrading the VG4 100 Series AutoDome
2.2 Upgrading the VG4 200 or 300 Series AutoDome
2.2.1 Determining Minimum Requirements
2.2.2 Selecting the Service Pack
2.3 Hardware Connections
2.3.1 Bilinx Connections
2.3.2 Serial Connections
2.4 Launching the CTFID Software
2.4.1 Launching with a Bilinx Connection
2.4.2 Launching with a RS232/RS485 Serial Connection
2.5 Uploading VG4 AutoDome Firmware Files
2.5.1 Uploading a VG4 100 Series AutoDome Service Pack
2.5.2 Uploading a VG4 200 or VG4 300 Series AutoDome Service Pack
2.5.3 Order to Upload Files
2.5.4 Selecting and Uploading Firmware Files
2.5.5 Updating the SC Boot file
2.5.6 Updating the SC Main Files
2.5.7 Additional Language Option
2.5.8 Changing the VG4 AutoDome OSD Language
3 Troubleshooting
3.1 Pre-production Firmware Versions (All Models)
3.2 VG4 Series Firmware Version Identification
3.3 VG4 AutoDome with an IP Communications Module
3.3.1 Web Browser Issues
3.3.2 IP Firmware Update Error
3.3.3 IP Firmware Upgrade Fails
3.3.4 VCA App File Fails Upload
3.4 Upgrading Firmware with the CTFID
3.4.1 CTFID does not Connect
3.4.2 BILINX
3.4.3 Serial (RS232 or RS485)
3.4.4 Firmware Upgrade via CTFID Fails
3.5 Auto Tracker Does not Activate with ON 78 ENTER