Chapter 1 Cisco SDM Express
Internet (WAN): Ethernet Interface
IP Unnumbered Option
Select IP Unnumbered if you want the interface to share an IP address that has already been assigned to another interface. Then, choose the interface whose IP address you want the interface that you are configuring to use. If you did not choose Enable PPPoE, this option is not available.
Easy IP (IP Negotiated)
Select Easy IP (IP Negotiated) if the router will obtain an IP address by PPP/IPCP address negotiation. If you did not choose Enable PPPoE, this option is not available.
Authentication Type Check Box
Check the box for the type of authentication used by your service provider. If you do not know which type your service provider uses, you can check both boxes: the router will attempt both types of authentication, and one attempt will succeed.
CHAP authentication is more secure than PAP authentication.
Username Field
Given to you by your Internet service provider or network administrator and is used as the username for CHAP and/or PAP authentication.
Password Field
Enter the password exactly as given to you by your service provider. Passwords are case sensitive. For example, the password “test” is not the same as “Test”.
Confirm Password Field
Reenter the same password that you entered in the previous box.
Refresh, Apply Changes, Discard Changes Buttons
Visible if you are editing an initial configuration. Click Cisco SDM Express
Buttons for more information.
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