Chapter 2 Cisco SDM Express Edit Mode
Refresh/Apply Changes/Discard Changes Buttons
These buttons are visible if you editing an initial configuration. Click
Cisco SDM Express Buttons for more information.
Edit a Username
Edit a user account in the fields provided in this window.
User Name Field
Edit the username in this field.
Password Field
Enter or edit the password in this field.
Reenter the password in the Confirm Password field. If the password and the confirm password do not match, an error message window will be displayed when you click OK.
When you click OK, the new or edited account information will appear in the Configure User Accounts for Telnet window.
Encrypt password using MD5 hash algorithm Checkbox
This is a
Bridge/Do not bridge LAN interface with wireless Checkbox
If your router has a wireless interface, you can bridge traffic from the wireless network to your Ethernet LAN. If you want to bridge traffic and share address space between the Ethernet LAN on your router, and the wireless network, click Bridge LAN interface with wireless.
| Cisco SDM Express |